IPDA Standards Identification Project - Report B Gopala Krishna Elizabeth Rye Dan Crichton Steve Hughes Dave Heather Navita Thakkar
Overview of the project and goals At the July 2009 Steering Committee, a new project was discussed regarding identification and plan for IPDA standards. The project was further extended during July 2010 steering committee meeting. The purpose of this project is to develop IPDA standards webpage and standards process. The deliverables of this project are two fold. – First, it is to develop a standards web page for the IPDA which identifies standards in use for planetary science across space agencies. – The second is to develop an outline for an IPDA standards reference.
Work Plan Define Project and Project Members Capture List of standards from agencies Deploy Standards website for IPDA Create Standards Reference outline Define certification process of the identified standards Present results to the IPDA Steering Committee
Project Team Members Elizabeth Rye B Gopala Krishna Dan Crichton Steve Hughes Dave Heather Navita Thakkar
Activities conducted during the year Creation of a template to capture the agency standards Capture of agency standards TEG Telecon on 10 th June 2011 to discuss the status Finalisation of the policy statement and putting in the website Report generation
Progress Define Project and Project Members - Defined Capture list of standards from agencies – done Identify standards with respect to the IPDA requirements - Done Deploy Standards website for IPDA – done Create Standards Reference outline - a policy note created, which needs further updation Develop a plan for standards including documentation – done Present results to the IPDA Steering Committee
List of standards identified Standards followed by various agencies IPDA standard through the requirements – Documentation – Reduction algorithm or software in an archive – Defining Grammar – Publishing Protocols – Data access and sharing – Querying PDS IPDA project submission and monitoring standards including report generation templates IPDA registry standards Ancillary data standards Interoperability Standards for certification process Process definition for standards change and acceptance
Standards Identification Template AgencyStandard NamePurposeVersion/ Date Link NASAPDS Standards Reference Planetary Data System Standards Reference 3.8http://pds.nasa.gov/.. NASAArchive Process Guide Planetary Data System Guide for Building Archives ESAPSA with core standard as PDS PSA Data set Validation System (PVS) PSA Data set Volume Verifier (PVV) Version ,May1 5 ISROPSA with core standard as PDS Data Archival3.8http://pds.nasa.gov/... JAXAPDS StandardsPlanetary Data System Standards Reference h ttp://pds.nasa.gov/.... CNES/IPSLNo name Data Guide for building Planetary Atmospheres database In preparation, due for June 2011 not available Russia…. China….
IPDA Data Standards Policy[10]IPDA Data Standards Policy
IPDA standard compliance through the requirements Documentation Data providers are encouraged to start from one of the IEEE document templates, available in either HTML or Word. This helps to ensure a common style and enable to perform a lossless conversion to other common formats like PDF etc. with minimum effort. Reduction algorithm or software in an archive The algorithms or software can be from an open source, hence links to their sites for all the software and information is to be provided as a reference. Software should be provided with proper help, documentation (if it is in a library form), user manual (wherever required for execution), with the proper environment description for executing the software. More information is provided in “IPDA Tools Identification project report” [14], which can be taken as reference.
IPDA standard compliance through the requirements Publishing protocol Protocol publishing references can be utilized from existing PDAP guidelines. References [8,9,6] Registry Services It should follow the IPDA Registry Definition Standard Specifications [13] Data access and sharing As defined in PDAP [6] Ancillary data Standard It should follow the guidelines given in IPDA Ancillary Data Standard Report submitted by the IPDA Ancillary Data Standard team [15] Interoperability It should be ensured that a high level of interoperability across platforms, databases, development languages, and applications is achieved. Standards should be based on the value of being "open".
Certification Process The Certification Process includes approval of standards, charters, documents and other agreements established by the IPDA TEG and the Steering Committee. Prototype Generation It is recommended that a sample Volume [1]/ Bundle [5] should be generated as per the recommended IPDA standards. This Volume should contain all the ancillary data as well. This should be published on the website with the PDAP. This should go under the following review: – Technical and Management review – Scientific Review A report on this should be generated and then submitted to the IPDA TEG for the review. The review comments and reports can be put on the IPDA website for the further discussions. Voting Procedures and Standards Approval Process A procedure is identified and is approved through TEG meeting. This can be followed as standard.
Process definition for change and maintenance The adoption of the IPDA Standard is a process of several reviews that would result in the final adoption. The Review process will have the following sequence: – Steering committee level review and assessment of the required change in the standard – Various space agency team review – as an independent exercise – within 2-month of issue of drafts – Discussion and Endorsement in the TEG Committee as and when it happens – Finalizing of Text of IPDA Standards/Updates – within 2-months of posting on web. – Endorsement and Adoption at International level – Final Release of Standard and updates. An Annual review of the IPDA Standards is suggested so that the experience and inputs of implementing in each year is taken into consideration and the Standards Reviewed. IPDA TEG should be considered as a Standing Committee on IPDA Standards so that continuous review and updation is assured.
Recommendations Standards website for IPDA will form a good reference The policy statement gives a checklist, useful for new data providers and archivists towards achieving the IPDA compliance of the data. However the policy statement needs updation with the views of the members Needs suggestions from the members for the missing standards to be included, if any The final report after the steering committee meeting to be uploaded to the standards website. The project can be closed
References 1. PDS Standards, 2. PDS Archive Preparation Guide, 3. IPDA Standards, 4. IPDA Plan for developing core data standards, wp-001_1_0_2007feb07-ipda-developing-a-core-set-of-data-standards-for-the-ipdahttp://planetarydata.org/documents/white-paper-wp/ipda- wp-001_1_0_2007feb07-ipda-developing-a-core-set-of-data-standards-for-the-ipda 5. PDS4 Standards, 6. Planetary Data Access protocol(PDAP) 7. Osuna P. et al, NASA-PDS/ESA-PSA Planetary Data Interoperability White Paper, Jeff de la Beaujardiere et al, OGC Web Map Service Interface. OGC standard, Tody D, Plante R., Simple Image Access Protocol, IVOA Recommendation, NASA PDS, Planetary Data System Standards Reference, reference.shtmlhttp://pds.nasa.gov/tools/standards- reference.shtml 11. Ochsenbein F, Williams R., VOTable Format Definition, IVOA Recommendation, “Registry Service Design Specification” Registry Implementation Project December, 2010 Version specification/ specification/ Ancillary data standards report, projects/ancillary-data-standards/ projects/ancillary-data-standards/
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