Year 1 BA Primary Teaching Summer Term 2016 School Experience University of Hull BA Primary Teaching
Placement information o 4 week Summer block 13 th June – 8 th July 2016 o Planning for teaching – focussing on impact of their teaching, formative assessments and professional dialogue. o Base class as before – visits to other classes when appropriate. o Trainees work under the guidance of class teacher at all times. o Grades against Teachers’ Standards feed into Professional Studies outcomes o Mentor to attend regional partnership meeting in week 2. o Placement tutor to complete a joint observation with the school mentor / work with mentor to complete TDP. o External examiner potential visits in week 3. o Post-placement tutorial with Personal Supervisor (September).
People and their roles o Programme Director – Sue Pierce o School Experience Coordinator – Kay Fraser o Senior PAT – Charlotte Garbutt o Partnership Office Manager – Kim Metcalfe o Placement Tutors – Designated regionally o PAT – Kirsty Batty, Rebecca Chester, Louise French, Suzanne Groom, Rebecca Lear, Karen McPherson, Liz Smith and Suzi Storr. o Within school o Mentor and class teacher
Partnership website o Google ‘Hull Primary Partnership’ o Dates and documents are all available on the website, along with the placement handbook and contact details for all Placement Tutors and PATs.
Conduct and Absence o Full information is within the handbook o Behaviour and appearance should be inline with school expectations of staff. o As with all trainees, they should conform to school discipline system o Inform school of absence, leave message at University – repeated for each day of absence o Maintain record of attendance
Teaching commitment on Summer placement o The handbook gives guidance to trainee as to how they manage their time o In agreement with class teacher the suggested time frame is: Week 1: with guidance, plan and teach groups Weeks 2 to 4 : where possible trainees teach 40-50% of timetable Monitoring and Assessment: o Identify three profile children for trainee to follow over placement o Non teaching time/PPA time should be spent observing good quality teaching, particularly Phonics and EYFS sessions.
Weekly review meeting o Agree when and where with trainee at start of the placement. o Ensure it is private, uninterrupted and an appropriate length of time o Question the trainees on their evidence - how do they know? Where is the evidence? What is the impact on pupils? o Weekly meeting and review form - handbook and documentation on partnership website o Trainee to fill page 1 of the form in to prepare for the meeting. Consider progress, own subject knowledge, impact of training, pupil progress. o The remainder of the form should be completed between the trainee and the mentor. Use it as a focus for discussion and chance to set targets that feed into the TDP. Also, take the opportunity to scrutinise TDP completion each week.
Teacher Standards o The focus is on all 8 standards in discussions and meetings and evidence should be noted within the TDP. o This placement is building on from the autumn term school experience and taught sessions. Students have completed assignments linked to pedagogy and application of subject knowledge to prepare them for their teaching role o Professional discussions should be held where possible, to aid the trainees’ knowledge and understanding of how to achieve good quality teaching.
Monitoring & Assessment o Class teacher to help identify three profile children for the trainee to follow o Does not need to include a child with additional needs o Trainee to track these children during lessons, gathering evidence for English and maths and using the formative assessment records in handbook for lessons they have taught
Partnership Meetings o Regional partnership meetings are held for school mentors and placement tutors to discuss the progress of the trainees. Supply cover is paid to schools. o Scarborough Campus – Tuesday 21 st June 1.30 to 3.30 pm o The Lawns, Cottingham – Wednesday 22 nd June 1.30 to 3.30 pm
By the end of this placement… o The ultimate aim of this placement is that trainees become proficient in the planning, teaching and assessing of individual focused activities; they are not required at this stage to plan sequences of work o They will be assessed against the standard headings, not each individual sub-statement
Placement Tutor o Weekly evaluation and review forms will be sent by the trainee to their placement tutor each week, following the mentor meeting. o Attendance at the regional partnership meetings to moderate trainee progress with the school mentor is requested. Supply cover is paid, so no cost to the school. o One visit during block – to take place w/c 27 th June A joint observation with the school mentor to confirm progress within the standards. Feedback to be given afterwards. o Placement Tutor will offer guidance on the completion of the TDP. o School Mentor to submit final grades to Placement Tutor by 5pm on Tuesday 5 July.
Issue and concerns o Contact placement tutor as early as possible. An informal chat is better than leaving it, as this is only a 4-week placement. o School Experience Coordinator to be alerted by the placement tutor. o Action to be taken will be in conjunction with the placement tutor. o The Partnership Office will gladly help with any issues.
Feedback and questions As always, thank you for your support. It is very much appreciated.