ASI Science Programme Barbara Negri - Italian Space Agency (ASI) Head of Exploration and Observation of the Universe Department 10 Years of PAMELA.


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Presentation transcript:

ASI Science Programme Barbara Negri - Italian Space Agency (ASI) Head of Exploration and Observation of the Universe Department 10 Years of PAMELA

17- Observing the Universe 2 Activities of ASI’s Department for the Exploration and Observation of the Universe (EOS) are organized into three main lines: Exploration of the Solar System (heliophysics, planetology of the Solar System and exo-planets) Cosmology and Fundamental Physics (general relativity, theory of gravitation, universe on a large scale and early universe) High Energy Astrophysics (astrophysics and astroparticles) Scientific activities are carried out in collaboration with the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), the National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN), the National Research Council (CNR) and a number of Universities. ASI has launched national scientific satellites and participated in major missions by ESA, NASA and other agencies (JAXA, Roscosmos, etc.)

17- ASI involvement in Science Space Programme 3 ASI involvement in space programs can be grouped as follows: - ESA Scientific Programme: Cosmic Vision (mandatory Science Programme): Not mandatory programme: ExoMars Programme: - ExoMars 2016 (launch: 16 March 2016) - ExoMars 2018 (launch: 2020) - Programs in cooperation with other agencies (NASA, JAXA, Roscosmos, etc...) - Missions In Operation (Planetary, Astrophysics, Astroparticles) - National scientific satellites in orbit: AGILE and LARES

4 COSMIC VISION Large missions, L 2. Medium missions, M 3. Small missions, S 4. Opportunity missions, O (previously known as cooperative) 5. Missions in operation 6. Basic activities a. Preparation for the future b. Technology development ESA Scientific Programme building blocks

5 Horizon Cornerstone: GAIA, advanced astrometry, adopted: 2000; launched Dec Cosmic Vision: BEPI-COLOMBO, mission to Mercury, approved in 2007; target launch: Mar M1: SOLAR ORBITER, adopted: Oct. 2011; launch Oct M2: EUCLID, adopted: June 2012; target launch: Dec M3: PLATO extrasolar planet search, selected Feb. 2014; target launch: M4: ARIEL, THOR, XIPE, selection June of 2017 S1: CHEOPS Exoplanets, adopted: Jun. 2014; launch Jul M5: call issued April 29, 2016 ESA programs, I

6 ESA programs, II L1: JUICE, JUpiter Icy moon Explorer, selected: May 2012, target launch: L2: ATHENA, Advanced Telescope for High-Energy Astrophysics, selected: June 2014, target launch: L3: eLISA Gravitational Wave Observatory

1992 Lageos Beppo-SAX 1997 Cassini- Huygens 2005 MRO 2007 Agile Some major steps in ASI Science Programme 2007 DAWN 2004 SWIFT 2004 ROSETTA 2003 Mars Express 2006 PAMELA

2008 Fermi 2009 Herschel Planck 2011 Juno AMS 2012 Lares on Vega NUStar 2015 Lisa- PF Some major steps in ASI Science Programme 2013 GAIA

Padua January 2010 Imaging Spectrometer Cassini Dawn Rosetta Juno Venus Express Optical suite BepiColombo Cameras Exomars Rosetta Radioscience Cassini Juno Bepicolombo SAR Radar Cassini Sounding radar Mars Express MRO Remote sensing Payloads Agenzia Spaziale Italiana

Astrophisycs and Cosmology missions Planck Herschel Nu-Star AGILE AMS-2 XMM Integral Fermi Pamela

In situ instruments Agenzia Spaziale Italiana H-ASI SD2 MA-MISS DREAMS Philae

2016 Mission Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO ) EDL Demonstrator Module (EDM) 2020 Mission Proton Carrier & Descent Module ExoMars Programme: -The first mission, launched on March 14th 2016, will land on Mars on October 19th -The second mission wil be launched on 2020 Rover + Landed Platform


ASI has been involved since long time in the space missions dedicated to cosmic rays studies. Before PAMELA, ASI funded NINA1 and NINA2. PAMELA 2006 AMS 2011 CALET 2015

Italian contribution to PAMELA up to about 5.5 Meuro since beginning, funding about 8 italian Institutes and: science Mission Control Data taking from RESURS DK satellite Data analysis Public Outreach Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light Nuclei Astrophysics Search for dark matter annihilation, antihelium (primordial antimatter)‏, new Matter in the Universe (Strangelets?) Study of cosmic-ray propagation, solar physics and solar modulation, terrestrial magnetosphere, high energy electron spectrum (local sources?)