WARFARE Characteristic of a fallen world Part of the life of faith Some are justified and some not God commands or forbids war
WARFARE Success – Trust in God Failure – Lack of faith and disobedience Engage in warfare to enter / claim promises Engage in warfare to defend land/possession judges 6v1-3 Deal with internal struggles 2 sam2v8-17 Age does not matter
STRATEGY Trust in God rather than might or powers Seek and take advice Prov 20v18 Get people alongside – 2 Sam 18v1 Research /spy Num 21v32 - Avoid the warfare Come to agreement –treaty Josh9v15 Representative combat 1sam 17v8-10
IN WARFARE Dividing into groups Judge 9v43-44 Attacking by night Gen14v14-15 Setting an ambush 2 Chron 13v13-14 Swiftness of action Josh 8v19 Trusting in God – seek God before battle Judg1v1
WATCHMAN Stationed on the highest part of the wall Warn of approaching enemy / messenger Guard against thieves Give notice of phases of the moon
WEAPONS Stones Belt Armour Bow and Arrows Battering rams Chariots Sling Spear sword
WEAPONS 2 2 Corinthians 10 v4 Ephesians 6 v Romans 13 v 12 2 Corinthians 6 v 7 1 Thessalonians 5 v8
ENGAGEMENT Attract and hold Interlock with Hold the attention of Enter into contest with Enter into conflict Actively involved in Hostile encounter
SPIRITUAL WARFARE Struggle against the forces of evil Constant activity of life of faith Originates in the rebellion of satan and his angels against God Affirms God’s final victory through Jesus Christ An array of forces oppose to God Prince of this world
SPIRITUAL WARFARE Threats to the Church Threats to individual believers
ACTIVITY Satan and his angels fall Satan and his angels comprise a well organised army They will be ultimately disarmed by Jesus Christ Satan persecutes the church Satan opposes the gospel Satan attacks individual believers
ENEMIES The World- hate, false teaching/religion, seduces The Flesh- nature The Devil- tempts, deceives, accuses Satan empowers the world to attack believers External-persecuting, deceiving, seducing Internal- sinfulness, frustration
CONFLICT Spiritual Eph 6v12 Personal Luke 22v Intense Heb 12v4, Phil 1v27-30 Continual Eph 6v 13
REQUIRED Courage Determination Prayer Stand in God’s strength Use the armour & resources provided watchfulness
DEFENCE 1 God is strength and shield Rightly clothed Belt Sound teaching, good understanding of God’s truth these defend against deceit Eph 4v14- 15
DEFENCE 2 Breastplate Assurance, righteous in God’s sight These defend against accusations Gospel of Peace Reassures, confidence in times of trouble These defend against worry in troubled times
DEFENCE 3 Shield of faith strength from God, guards decisions, manage emotions These defend against deception and temptation Helmet of salvation hope, expectations in Christ These defend against discouragement & despair
DEFENCE 4 Sword of the spirit readiness, confidence,truth These defend against lies, deception and the devil Prayers recognise need to turn to God, facilitates wearing of the armour This develops dependence on God
FINALLY Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might STAND YOUR GROUND ARMED FOR BATTLE