ESO SDD ESO Instrumentation Software Workshop “Reflex” Pipeline Frontend
ESO SDD ESO Instrumentation Software Workshop Introduction What is Reflex?
ESO SDD ESO Instrumentation Software Workshop Content Basic Features GUI Overview Advanced Features Reflex Pipeline Interface How to Set up a Pipeline for Reflex Demo Screenshots
ESO SDD ESO Instrumentation Software Workshop Basic Features The Principles Graphical representation of workflow and execution Input preselection using (Gasgano) data classification Interactive execution featuring: Recipe parameter adjustment Intermediate product inspection
ESO SDD ESO Instrumentation Software Workshop GUI Overview Most Important Parts Text Output Graphical workflow Input selector Workflow execution monitor Output file viewer Workflow editor “Next” button
ESO SDD ESO Instrumentation Software Workshop GUI Overview Input Selector
ESO SDD ESO Instrumentation Software Workshop GUI Overview Execution Monitor
ESO SDD ESO Instrumentation Software Workshop Reflex Pipeline Interface Recipe I/O Definition Gasgano data classifications as I/O descriptors I/O definition file specifies what must and can be connected crires_spec_wavecal.txt Empty line Outputs Inputs1 or more Optional (WKF_CAL_WL) (CAL_WLSKY+ | CAL_WLLAMP+ | CAL_WLABS+)? (CALPRO_DARK)? (DETLIN_A)? (DETLIN_B)? (DETLIN_C)? (CALPRO_FLAT)? (CALPRO_BPM)? (CALPRO_WAVE) (WL_MAP_IMA) (WL_MAP_MODEL_IMA)
ESO SDD ESO Instrumentation Software Workshop Reflex Pipeline Interface Workflow XML File Recipe processors I/O from external definition files Workflow Elements
ESO SDD ESO Instrumentation Software Workshop Reflex Pipeline Interface Input Filter Recipe I/O definitions (WKF_CAL_WL) (CAL_WLSKY+ | CAL_WLLAMP+ | CAL_WLABS+)? (CALPRO_DARK)? (DETLIN_A)? (DETLIN_B)? (DETLIN_C)? (CALPRO_FLAT)? (CALPRO_BPM)? (CALPRO_WAVE) (WL_MAP_IMA) (WL_MAP_MODEL_IMA) Workflow inputs Classification rules (Gasgano)
ESO SDD ESO Instrumentation Software Workshop How to Set up a Pipeline for Reflex Technical Steps Compile and install the pipeline, ensure that the recipes are in the esorex path, see ~/.esorex/esorex.rc (alternatively, use the ESOREX_PLUGIN_DIR variable) and in the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH, copy the Gasgano rules file (*.rul) from the pipeline package into /reflex-current/conf/ (if n.a., then create one using Gasgano), for each recipe, create a line reflex.recipe.rulefile. = in /reflex-current/conf/, for each recipe, create an I/O definition text file (see before), and copy it into /reflex-current/conf/, and create a workflow (using the Reflex “Advanced Model Explorer”, or take the one provided by ESO, and modify it if desired). Bug: ensure that the recipes are in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
ESO SDD ESO Instrumentation Software Workshop …and now a demo! How to Set up a Pipeline for Reflex Demo Screenshots