EGEE is a project funded by the European Union under contract IST Integration of RGMA and Service Discovery in WMS Enzo Martelli INFN Milano JRA1 IT-CZ cluster meeting, January 07-08,
IT-CZ Cluster meeting, 07-08/03/ RGMA vs LDAP RGMA is another implementation of the Information Service so far implemented through an ldap server RGMA exposes a database-like interface so that it can be queried through SQL language The equivalent of an ldap search like ldapsearch.... "(objectclass=GlueCE)" GlueCEUniqueID GlueInformationServiceURL is SELECT GlueCEUniqueID GlueInformationServiceURL FROM GlueCE There is a table corresponding to each value of “objectclass”
IT-CZ Cluster meeting, 07-08/03/ RGMA Purchaser I am adding another purchaser to ISM component, equivalent to the ii_purchaser already present, that point to a RGMA server instead of a LDAP server Retrieving data from RGMA Tables, converting in to ClassAd format, inserting in to Information Supermarket Question: As far as I have seen, all the values of the tuples in the RGMA tables are inserted as string. Has the purchaser to convert such values according to Glue Schema or is it just an error?
IT-CZ Cluster meeting, 07-08/03/ Consumer life time: property to be set before starting a query, a consumer must be instantiate on the server side; the rgma client api communicates directly with it. The life time of such consumer has to be set; if the life time expires and no request is sent to the consumer, it is destroyed. This a mechanism provided by RGMA in order to protect itself from accumulation of redundant resources; however, the “time interval” at which the purchasing is done should be greater than the average time of a query.
IT-CZ Cluster meeting, 07-08/03/ Service Discovery The Service Discovery API provides a uniform interface to access service details published by information systems. Such interface is independent of the underlying information system. It provides a set of methods to retrieve information about a known service (using its unique name) and a set of list methods to find services based on certain criteria. Right now, such service is provided only by RGMA.
IT-CZ Cluster meeting, 07-08/03/ Data Types used by the interface Service: { endpoint, name, status, type, version} ServiceStatus: { OK, WARNING, CRITICAL, UNKNOWN } ServiceDetails: { administrator address, list of associated services, list of service data (key/value pairs), site that hosts the service, list of VO supported by the service, the URL of the WSDL(in case of a web service) } ServiceData: list of key/value pairs
IT-CZ Cluster meeting, 07-08/03/ Getting information on a specific service Service getService( serviceName ) SeviceData getServiceData( serviceName ) ServiceDetails getServiceDetails( serviceName ) Value getServiceDataItem( serviceName, key ) SiteName getSite ( serviceName ) URL getServiceWSDL ( serviceName )
IT-CZ Cluster meeting, 07-08/03/ Searching for Services Service[] listServices( serviceType, site, VO ) Service[] listAssiciatedServices( serviceName, serviceType, site, VO )
IT-CZ Cluster meeting, 07-08/03/ Integration in BrokerInfo Such APIs have to be integrated in brokerinfo in order to retrieve service informations for a given VO; in particular what concerns the file catalogs