By: James Simpson
Why What – now featuring definitions When Interpretation CA$H MONEY
Could be on LMCC Could be on CFPC exam 99 topics – know how to diagnose asthma from spirometry Can also be done in family medicine setting! CA$H MONEY???
Spirometry is easier Assist in diagnosing simple conditions – asthma, COPD
People with exposures Smokers Environmental irritants Prolonged or progressive cough Weak respiratory muscles Suspicion of underlying disease To get a baseline before treatment (i.e. with amiodarone, bleomycin etc)
Smokers – Canadian Thoracic Society recommends: Screen current/former smokers over 40 years of age IF: Do you cough regularly Do you cough up phlegm regularly Do simple chores make you short of breath Do you wheeze when you exert yourself or at night Do you get frequent colds that persist longer than other people you know?
ALL RELATIVE NOT ABSOLUTE!! Any condition where increased pressure is not good Brain conditions Facial/ear conditions Lung conditions Abdominal conditions Heart conditions (arrhythmia, hypo/hypertension) Any condition where direction following is not good Dementia Kids Coughing a lot Any condition where public health concerns are not good TB hemoptysis
FLOW VOLUME (total out)
FVC – total volume out during max effort FEV1 – volume out in one second FEV1/FVC ratio – volume in one second divided by total volume Peak expiratory flow – maximum speed of expiration
Test can be difficult – patients may not fully understand instructions, or may not fully cooperate Valid test parameters: 3 acceptable spirograms At least 6 seconds in length Measurement of FVC and FEV1 differ between tests by 0.2L or less
Obstructive Asthma, COPD, Bronchiectasis Restrictive Intrinsic - Pulmonary fibrosis, sarcoidosis, medication toxicity, pneumoconiosis Extrinsic – obesity, hernia, kyphosis, pectus excavatum Good news – don’t need to worry about restrictive lung disease for this!
Obstruction = flow of air gets blocked so the flow is slower!
Diagnosis: FEV1 less than 0.8 FEV1 / FVC less than 0.7
FEV1 less than 0.8 FEV1 / FVC less than 0.7
FEV1 less than 0.8 FEV1 / FVC less than 0.7
FEV1 less than 0.8 FEV1 / FVC less than 0.7
FEV1 less than 0.8 FEV1 / FVC less than 0.7
Asthma or COPD? Key = obstruction from asthma is reversible
FEV1 or FVC increases by at least 12% AND >200mL or peak expiratory flow increase > 20%
FEV1 or FVC increases by at least 12% AND >200mL or peak expiratory flow increase > 20%
FEV1 or FVC increases by at least 12% AND >200mL or peak expiratory flow increase > 20%
FEV1 or FVC increases by at least 12% AND >200mL or peak expiratory flow increase > 20%
Methacholine challenge test OR exercise challenge test Positive test = fall in FEV1 of 20% - but concentration matters This response to 4mg/mL is diagnostic of asthma Concentrations from 4mg/mL to 16mg/mL is borderline Concentrations greater than 16mg/mL is not asthma
Another alternative – exercise challenge 10 to 15% decrease in FEV1 post exercise
What if it’s asthma AND COPD? Spirometry is limited in this situation
Lung expansion is restrictive Restricted lungs are smaller Therefore forced vital capacity is smaller
FVC decreased FEV1 can be decreased or normal FEV1/FVC should be >0.7
Cannot diagnose definitively from spirometry Spirometry can’t measure lung volumes only vital capacity (can’t measure reserve volume) If you see this pattern, referral for full pulmonary function tests +/- respirology
FEV1, FVC, PEF, FEV1/FVC No flow volume loop – requires more expensive spirometer i.e.:
Why is a flow volume loop better? Quality of effort More accurate diagnosis of some conditions (i.e. upper airway obstruction) Due to change in flow as lung volumes change
Billing (note, must perform AND interpret in office for full payment): Simple spirometry only (i.e. using $650 model): J301 - $17.15 Plus J324 - $7.01 (if repeated after bronchodilator) With flow volume loop (i.e. $2300 model): J304 - $29.30 J327 - $7.26 (if repeated after bronchodilator) May be out of basket depending on practice structure Out of basket FHN, in basket FHO
Note with doing flow volume loop studies, extra parameters:
Would be tough to set up in most office practices, particularly fee for service / solo practices Group practices – 1 flow volume with nurse who performs it? $24 for simple spirometry vs $4.50 for injection Flow volume interpretation likely not worth cost unless you want to set up a full day of doing it
What are three ways to diagnose asthma from spirometry given an obstructive airway pattern? A) B) C What measurement on spirometry is consistently decreased in restrictive lung disease A) What two criteria on spirometry are diagnostic of obstructive airway disease? A) B)