The data in the table.
Starting a query.
Two criteria in an AND relationship.
When Microsoft runs the user interface query, they run it in SQL - this is the SQL that was generated. It has table names and extra parenthesis included - neither of which are necessary. Table names have to be included if there are multiple tables and the field appears on more than one of the tables. The parenthesis are not needed for the simple AND because I do not have to change the resolution.
The SQL as I would write it.
Standard OR relationship with two criteria.
Generate d SQL.
In this query, the edition must be 2. In addition either of two other criteria must be true. So, edition must be 2 and either topic must be Oracle or publisher must be Course.
It is generated as: edition = 2 and publisher = Course OR edition = 2 and topic = Oracle
Now I have taken the 2 from the OR line so the criteria are pulisher = Course AND edition = 2 OR topic = Oracle The two conditions in the AND relationship are grouped.
Now I am looking at notes from the text.