G ERTRUDE Becky Turner Drew Letsinger Emily Leturno Stephanie Winkler Ubong Udoeyop 37.3% Success Rate!
H OW I T W ORKS The marbles are released from the tube by the previous group’s project. FirstSecond Force of falling marbles displaces the center of mass of the cups on the beam. Center of Mass!
H OW I T W ORKS C ONTINUED The displacement of the beam removes the washer from the shooter. The marble is projected by the spring into the catcher. ThirdFourth Projectile Motion! Conservation of Mechanical Energy!
H OW I T W ORKS C ONTINUED The marble hits two other marbles in the tube and transfers its momentum to one which transfers it to the last one. The last marble rolls down the track, gaining kinetic energy as it rolls. FifthSixth Conservation of Linear Momentum! Conservation of Translational Energy!
H OW I T W ORKS C ONTINUED The marble hits the paper clip arm applying rotational energy and knocking off the weight. The weight falls, applying torque to the spool and raising the banner. SeventhEighth Conservation of Angular Momentum! Torque!
G ERTY ’ S G OT I SSUES Figuring out how to make a shooter. Finding Springs Working with other groups to figure out how to begin and end the project Keeping within the required dimensions
C ONCLUSION We learned how important teamwork is We learned that trial and error is the best way to successfully repair something The project helped us understand the concepts which we had learned during the course