1. Embryo______ A.. Structure leading from uterus to outside the body 2. Cleavage____ B. A tube that carries the egg from the ovary 3. Morula_____ C. Neck.


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Presentation transcript:

1. Embryo______ A.. Structure leading from uterus to outside the body 2. Cleavage____ B. A tube that carries the egg from the ovary 3. Morula_____ C. Neck of the uterus 4. Blastula_____ D. Protects testes 5. Gastrulation_____ E. Female gonad, produces egg 6. Ectoderm____ F. Multicellular organism in the early stages of develpment 7. Endoderm_____ G. Organ in which embryo develops 8. Mesoderm_____ H. Male gonads, produce sperm 9. Differentiation_____ I. Controls gas exchange, and collects waste in the shelled eggs 10. Allantois_____ J. Fetus receives food and oxygen through this temporary organ 11. Amnion____ K. Embryonic sac in shelled egg, protects embryo 12. Uterus_____ L. Single layer of cells, filled with fluid, developing embryo 13. Placenta_____ M. First series of divisions of a fertilized egg 14. Testes______ N. Cells between endoderm and ectoderm 15 Ovaries_____ O. Outer layer of cells of an embryo 16. Oviduct______ P. Cells become specialized 17. Vagina______ Q. Shedding of the uterine lining 18. Menstruation____ R. Inner layer of cells of embryo 19.Scrotum_____ S. Tube that carries urine from bladder to outside 20.Cervix___ T. Embryo is a solid ball

Human Reproduction Male Sperm produced in testes, -) Temp of scrotum 1-2*C – Sperm pass through – Sperm and fluid – Testes- produce -

Female Ovary produces a follicle, - ovulation (1per month)- Egg passes through oviduct, - Embryo - If fertilization does not occur, - Lower end of uterus - Cervix opens to vagina- Estrogen/progesterone -

Artificial insemination- sperm implanted to uterus/oviduct - Invitro Fertilization- sperm and egg form zygote outside uterus, - Fraternal twins- 2 eggs - Identical twins- 1 egg and 1 sperm, - Gestation period- time from -

Internal fertilization Occurs in body of female Watery - Zygote may be enclosed in shell, then released for external development, or will remain - Fewer eggs produced- Egg can - Sperm only -

Eggs- round, non motile, larger than sperm, -) Sperm- head (nucleus and dna), middle (mitochondria)- Fertilization restores normal chromosome number- External fertilization- occurs outside body, in water, -

Menstrual Cycle Begins at - Interrupted during- Ceases at- Follicle Stage- (14 days) FSH secreted by pituitary stimulates estrogen which is secreted by follicle - Ovulation- (1-2 days)-follicle busts, releasing egg to oviduct, -

Corpus Luteum-(12 days) forms from burst follicle, LH stimulates growth of - Menstruation-(2-4 days) if egg is not fertilized breakdown and shedding of uterine lining, -