Illustrator CC is the industry-standard vector graphics software used worldwide by designers of all types who want to create digital graphics, illustrations, and typography for all kinds of media: print, web, interactive, video, and mobile. Adobe Illustrator has been around for over 25 years and has had many versions of the program with its newest version being CC
Vector graphics are one of the two most commonly used graphic formats in design, the other being bitmap (or raster) graphics. Vector graphics, like those created with Illustrator, are "resolution independent," which means they can be resized (scale) infinitely with no loss of quality. For example, the same logo design created with Illustrator can be used on a business card or an outdoor billboard, maintaining the accuracy and detail of the original design.
New, New Template, Open Name New File Select profile of art (Print, Web, Devices, Video, Film) CMYK(color code)—Auto for Print selection RBG(color code)—Auto for all others Screen size selection Number of Artboards OK bottom left Up pop whiteboard with tools on the left
Boxes On whiteboard click left mouse key and drag Change size and shape Move location Overlap versus Layer boxes Each object its own entity
Tools (Left side)—15 rows down close to bottom Click object to modify Control panel above whiteboard Pallet of colors Swapping fill and stroke Changing colors & opacity with fill and stroke
2 Selection tools top left on tool bar Handles (corners & sides) with selected objects Grabbing handles to change size and basic shape Holding shift when dragging to maintain proportions Deselecting an object—handles disappear Points and Paths With box 4 points—active point blue, others white
Select all and delete Start with ellipse tool and create a Circle Shift key when release mouse will keep proportions Smart guides—light up as touch Two perfect circles Aligning objects with control panel Vertical alignment Alt key with Shift key—centered & proportional Shape Builder Tool—select all objects then tool
Click, alt key, and drag to create identical copy and move where you want Once selected for combining, if hover over object, they individual object lights up Click and drag to join objects Cutting out stroke and fill Shape Builder Tool and the alt key - + Reversing stroke and fill--toggling Select object and fill Choosing color of fill
Pin tool Dragging out points Adding tips and tails Pencil tool Brushes—blob, art, bristle, pattern, calligraphic, scatter, etc. Banners Various strokes—bushy or spikey Command Y for outline, Command Y to return--toggles
Image Trace panel Vector rendition of pixel based art Shades of grey Silhouettes Expanding Swatches Resolution Independent Object, Pattern, Make Duplicate, rotate, move
Panels/artboards—artboard tools Layers, sub layers, groups Save commands Saving down for older apps File export