What it is and how to avoid it.
Plagiarism is using someone else’s words, ideas, or images as your own. Plagiarism is dishonest, unethical, and illegal! Read Student Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism.Student Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism
Intentional Copying a friend’s work Buying or borrowing papers Cutting and pasting text from sources without giving credit “Borrowing” media without giving credit Publishing on the web without the permission of the original creators Unintentional Using minimal or careless paraphrasing Failing to document or “cite” properly Quoting excessively Failing to use your own “voice” to present information or ideas Whether unintentional or intentional, you will still be held accountable for the consequences of plagiarism!
ZERO credit for work Parents will be notified Referral to administration Note on permanent student record Suspension or expulsion from school activities including sports, clubs, field trips, extra-curriculars, etc.
1.DON’T copy word for word, or by copying and pasting. 2.DON’T print directly (and turn in as your own work). 3.DON’T copy from other students. 4.DO take notes! 5.DO paraphrase!
1.Always put quotation marks around any words that you take directly from a source. 2.Always give credit to the source! Sources include websites, books, encyclopedias, pictures, etc.
1.Reading a passage, learning what it means, and retelling it in your own “voice” or words is acceptable. 2.Always give credit to the source.
1.Information that is known to many people. Examples of Common Knowledge: George Washington was the first president. McCain and Obama ran for president in the 2008 Presidential Election. 1.You do NOT need to cite Common Knowledge! ☺
This stabilizing and productive time was interrupted in 1950, however, when O'Connor was stricken with lupus, the incurable, autoimmune disease that was then treated only by the use of steroid drugs. In spite of the debilitating effects of the drugs used for treating lupus, O'Connor managed to devote a good part of every day to writing, and she even took a surprising number of trips to lecture and read from her works. PARAPHRASING PRACTICE How can we put this in our own words (paraphrase)?
Works Cited Page Sample: Works Cited Page Sample: 1.Author’s last name, first name (if available) 2.*Web page title—in quotes 3.*Date Retrieved: Day, Month, Year 4.Main Page Title (if available) 5.The source. (Did you find it on the Web? Encyclopedia? Book?) 6.*URL: Web Site Address 7.Date Published or Revised: Day, Month, Year (if available) Kagan, Jocelyn, and Susan Victor. "Plagiarism WebQuest." 18 Feb Avoiding Plagiarism in Schools. Web.. *Required! It is OK to not memorize this list, but you need to be familiar with it and know how to find it so you can refer to it when necessary!
1.Last Name, First Name of Photographer 2.Photograph Title 3.Year Created 4.Museum/Collection Name, City 5.Website Title 6.Date You Researched the Photo Works Cited Jones, Robert. Martin Luther King, Jr. Speech National Civil Rights Museum, Tennessee. National Civil Rights Activist. 5 Nov Images include any type of graphic, picture, map, or photo!
Writing/Project/Test Grade (45%) We will be in the lab ONE DAY for you to find at least two online sources. You will not have to time to type or write your essay during this time. Our time in the lab will be purely for research purposes. You must either write your Biography/5-Paragraph Essay on notebook paper (blue or black ink only), or you may type it.
MLA Format (Name, 8 th Grade ELA, Class Period, Date) MLA Format (Name, 8 th Grade ELA, Class Period, Date) Top right corner – Last name and page number Times New Roman and 12 size font. Times New Roman and 12 size font. 5 Paragraphs 5 Paragraphs 1 st Paragraph – Introduction 1 st Paragraph – Introduction 2 nd Paragraph – Early Life 2 nd Paragraph – Early Life 3 rd Paragraph – Middle Life & Notable Literary Works (Titles) 3 rd Paragraph – Middle Life & Notable Literary Works (Titles) 4 th Paragraph – Later Life & Death (if applicable) 4 th Paragraph – Later Life & Death (if applicable) 5 th Paragraph – Conclusion 5 th Paragraph – Conclusion At least 2 sources and quotes. At least 2 sources and quotes. Works Cited page with 2 sources (details) Works Cited page with 2 sources (details) *SEE SAMPLE BIOGRAPHY FOR GUIDANCE* *SEE SAMPLE BIOGRAPHY FOR GUIDANCE*
Kagan, Jocelyn, and Susan Victor. "Plagiarism WebQuest." Mr. Bucci, Web. 18 Feb "Plagiarism." University of West Alabama. Web. 18 Feb "Plagiarism - Don't Do It!." Marcos de Niza High School Learning Resources and Technology Center. Web. 18 Feb "Son of Citation Machine." Son of Citation Machine. David Warlick & The Landmark Project, Web. 18 Feb "Student Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism." Education World Education World, Web. 18 Feb "What is plagiarism? (And why you should care!)." School District of Springfield Township. Web. 18 Feb