The Big Interview Tonya Dean EDU 650 Instructor Dr. Wendy Ricci November 3rd, 2015
Introduction I have been an early childhood educator since, November 2011 for AVANCE Head start INC. As a head start teacher, I'm known to engage students with hands on learning experience provided in the creative curriculum study. I received my Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood from Ashford University. I am currently attending Ashford University Masters degree program working towards a Specialization in English Language Learners (MAED).
Expectations The role of a lead teacher is to educate other educators. This can be addressed by: Providing support with engaging lesson plans, how to use assessment effectively and promoting a positive classroom environment throughout the school. Lead teachers are multidimensional and are responsible for aligning lesson to the common core standards. They are highly educated individuals with a bachelor degree and have previous classroom experience with teaching certificate.
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN Using labels in your classroom will minimize more than the number of student in a center or interest area to ensure a calm, safe, and orderly classroom.
DIFFERENT SCHOOL MODELS The three key factors that a teacher has control in when teaching differentiated instruction is content, process, and product (Newman. 2013).
PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION I believe that educators must have the ability to value and accept that all children have various learning styles which can be approached in many different ways within their education (Newman, R. (2013). When working with young children, I also believe that the best way to approach a positive learning experience is through play; which fosters a child’s social emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development.
EFFECTIVE LESSON PLANNING Important Elements of Effective Lesson Design Four factors were found in effective teaching, lesson planning, safe school environment, teacher professionalism and student reflection, (Womack, Sid T, 2015). Teachers who are well prepared for the instructional moment will lead their diverse learners into the content almost all of the time (Womack, Sid T, 2015). Effective teachers must demonstrate the “I can make a positive difference” disposition (Womack, Sid T, 2015 pg.10) The key issue for lesson planning is certainty-not exhaustiveness (Womack, Sid T, 2015 pg.12)
Assessments Matters AAssessments play a vital role in the United States when it comes to the No child left behind Act of 2001 from this day forward it holds teachers accountable for student’s performance at all ages. BBassard and Boehm (2007), defines preschool assessments as observation, work samples and environmental factors.
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES TThe role of the teacher has evolved through the years from being responsible for one's own class to being part of a professional learning community where everyone shares responsibility for ensuring student success. AA teacher as leader has grown to be a critically important part of every school (Newman P1).
Reference Lopez, D. (2013). No excuses university: How six exceptional systems are revolutionizing our schools (2nd ed.).Turnaround Schools Publications. Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and learning in the 21st century: Connecting the dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Womack, Sid T.; Pepper, Stephanie; Hanna, Shellie L. Online Submission pp.(ED553616) Brassard, Marla R., and Boehm, Ann E.. Preschool Assessment : Principles and Practices. New York, NY, USA: Guilford Press, ProQuest ebrary. Web. 26 October 2015.