Asynchronous sessions Students should be able to ask questions about the tasks before completing them. Whereas in the classroom the tutor is more likely to say the instructions and use ICQs. Synchronous sessions Making sure students can read the instructions as well as hear them. Tutor has to be ready to demonstrate the tasks, if necessary (using screenshare, etc.)
Synchronous sessions Direct feedback from the tutor during the input session (speaking or chatting) – it’s more or less similar to f-2-f communication, when teacher and student can see and hear each other and react instantly. Asynchronous sessions Feedback from the tutor is always with the help of various teaching aids: Vocaroo – tutor recording themselves, CPs listening to the tutor first and then replying Whiteboard, Google docs – can be done simultaneously or not. Online feedback is generally less personal compare to f - 2-f, both sides can’t see the smile, gestures or body language.
Compare to f-2-f, while teaching online the tutor can’t walk around the class and look into everyone's notes (if Ss are writing in their coursebooks) and therefore has to use various tools: screenshare (e.g. if Ss type exercises online), google docs – to check writing, spelling Break-out rooms – to facilitate small group collaboration/ communication (similar to f-2-f classroom tutor switches from one group to another). In case of asynchronous courses, the whole task completing process usually goes without tutor monitoring.
Especially for synchronous sessions teacher has to make sure that the students have enough visual support. During inputs and explanations the teacher should provide pictures, charts, links, etc. (prepare whiteboard in advance), especially if the lesson is purely auditory, when students and a teacher communicate without the video. Preparing materials for the live lesson: tracks, videos, links to online activities, PowerPoint Presentations, resources from Teacher’s book, etc., which Ss sometimes need to download or print before the lesson – includes sending those to the Ss in advance. Students are more autonomous in the online environment.
In an online classroom it takes longer to get to know each other, esp. with asynchronous courses, communication is not so personalized, at least at first. Using emoticons, colour, etc. But this doesn’t mean it should affect the learning process. In f-2-f classroom the teacher uses eye contact, gestures, handshake, etc.