Unit: Industrial Revolution Topic: The Agrarian Revolution Mrs. Johnson September 15, 2011
1. A Turning Point
Before 1750, people still lived in small villages, made their own clothing and tools, and worked the land. Before 1750, people still lived in small villages, made their own clothing and tools, and worked the land.
A.By the 1850s, villages grew into industrial cities that had factories and machine-made goods.
B. This was made possible by massive changes in how people farmed, and was called the Agrarian Revolution.
2. New Technology
A.The Dutch led the way by using fertilizer to improve the soil.
B.The British discovered ways to produce more food; Jethro Tull invented the seed drill, which planted seeds in rows.
C. In 1712, James Newcomen invented the first steam engine that used coal; James Watt improved it in 1769.
3. Enclosure
A.This was when farmers took over and fenced off land that once had been shared.
B.They also switched planting certain fields on a regular basis.
C.This led to efficient farming, which improved crop production.
4. Population Explosion!
A.With a better diet, women had healthier and stronger babies.
B.Improved medical care and sanitation helped people live longer.
C. Since less workers were needed on the farm, many started to move to the cities for work.