Protecting our communities together South Forum Date: 25 th February 2014
Data Protection notice When discussing members of the public, all agencies and individuals will agree to respect their confidentiality. The disclosure of information outside this meeting, should not occur unless there is a legal basis for a disclosure.
PACT Priorities Parking Packington Lane – Coleshill (15 patrols) Parking, Church Lane – Old Arley (15 patrols) Speeding, Tamworth Road – Corley (10 patrols)
Community Priorities Warwickshire Police is obliged to protect communities from harm in line with the ‘Police Priorities’. This may mean that in exceptional circumstances SNT officers may be required to work on other policing priorities. If this happens there will be a need to re-negotiate priorities. This will be done in liaison with the Chair and the panel.
You asked us about :- Police presence in Maxstoke area Issue of off road bikes in Arley Pavement outside Young’s at Corley
Parking on Packington Lane, Coleshill Target of 15 patrols – achieved 17 6 x verbal warnings issued 6 TOR’s (Traffic Offence Reports) issued Coleshill SNT and School sent out advice letter to parents/guardians School have also arranged to use Coleshill FC for car parking in the future
Parking Church Lane, Old Arley Target of 15 patrols – achieved 33 There have been no reported incidents or issues raised
Speeding, Tamworth Road, Corley Target of 10 area checks – achieved 12 Over 400 vehicles checked 3 TOR’s issued 1 Verbal Warning
Other Work Engaged with most victims of crime NHW and other watch visits Meetings Warrants Operations Council contacts staff/meetings/councillors Crime Prevention School visits Licensed Premises inc shops Surgeries Clubs/organisations Community events Good News StoriesASB visits/assessments
Special Constables Working to get our team independent Involvement in Crime Prevention Projects Issuing tickets Assisting with Forum Priorities Seizing vehicles Reporting for Summons Attending incidents Assisting in Operations/Events
CHANGES FROM OCTOBER 2013 – to reiterate WPC 86 Ellen BEATY ‘ Safer Neighbourhood Officer’ will be responsible for the day to day Policing of the forum area. PCSO’s to carry out much the same role as present. There will be limited SNT responsibility for investigating crimes or attending incidents. Incident response will be provided by teams based at Bedworth and Rugby. All investigations will be conducted by investigation teams based at the Criminal Justice Centre (CJC) Nuneaton.
North Warwickshire Community Safety Partnership Recorded crime levels continuing to reduce overall Quarter 3 overall crime down by 231 crimes compared to 2012/13 Some concerns over Rural Crime including burglary other thefts, thefts of fuel and repeat victims
Plans being prepared including developing Rural Watch Schemes, implementing ANPR cameras and promoting crime prevention measures and events Working with the Police and Crime Commissioner to prepare bids for community safety grants
Thank you for your time. Please contact the team should you have any queries or concerns. Tel: Or 101 and extension Web: