European Environment Agency WELCOME! on behalf of JRC and EEA FAIRMODE 3 rd Plenary Meeting 16th September, Kjeller, Norway Aphrodite Mourelatou Head of Air Quality and Noise group, EEA
European Environment Agency Thank you Host! Norwegian Institute for Air Research
European Environment Agency EEA news New European Topic Centre 1/01/2011 – 31/12/2013 Air pollution and Climate change Mitigation 3 more new ETCs - climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation - spatial information and analyses - inland, costal and marine waters
European Environment Agency EEA news New European Topic Centre on Air pollution and Climate change Mitigation Partners: - RIVM (Netherlands Institute for Public Health and Environment) - PBL (Netherlands Environmental Assessment) - CHMI (Czech Hydrometeorological Institute) - NILU (Norwegian Institute for Air Research) - Oeko-Germany - UBA-V (Umweltbundesamt GmbH) - EMISIA-Greece - CSIC (Instituto de Diagnostico Ambiental y Estudios del Agua) - INERIS (Institut National de l’Environment Industriel et des Risques) - AEA-UK
European Environment Agency Workshop goal: Take stock on the ongoing work by the 2 FAIRMODE working groups Take stock of developments (EU policy, GMES Atmospheric Services, FAIRMODE website) Discuss what more, what different to do in the comming years within FAIRMODE
European Environment Agency AGENDA Thursday, 16th September : :10Welcome addressLeonor Tarrason (NILU) 09: :20Welcome by EEAAphrodite Mourelatou (EEA) 09:20 – 09:30General overview FAIRMODE status quoAnke Lükewille (EEA) & Stefano Galmarini (JRC) 09:30 – 09:50DG ENV overview of related activitiesEmile De Saeger (DG ENV) 09:50 – 10:50WG1 Guidance document – status quo & a special focus on NO2 modellingBruce Denby (ETC/ACC) & Cristina Guerriero (ETC/ACC) 10:50 – 11:10Coffee Break 11:10-12:30Outcome of WG2 Subgroups activitiesStefano Galmarini (JRC) & SG leaders 12:30 – 14:30Lunch Break 14:30-14:50Links to GMES AS core and downstream servicesAnke Lükewille (EEA) 14:50 – 15:00FAIRMODE web siteJohn Douros (ETC) 15:00 – 16:00Discussions and future plansAll, Stefano Galmarini (JRC), Anke Lükewille (EEA) 16:00 – 16:30Coffee Break 16:30 – 17:00Work programme, Conclusions, Next meetingAnke Lükewille (EEA) & Setfano Galmarini (JRC) 17:00End of the 3 rd Plenary Meeting
European Environment Agency THANK YOU!