Sterile neutrinos with a pinch of pepper (terrible, terrible title) Cosmo 07, Brighton Anže Slosar, Oxford University
Introduction Sterile neutrinos come in 2 kinds: * very light, usually thermalised species (eV range) * dark matter candidate (keV range) I am going to talk about the latter Theoretically attractive: * we know that neutrinos have mass and hence that the theory is incomplete * observationally constrainable from all sides * “hints” from various independent observations
Sterile neutrino as DM Assume 3 thermalised, light, usual neutrinos Add a 4 th sterile state Populate the sterile state with sub-thermal aboundance via Dodelson-Widrow mechanism One free parameter: mass – typically O(keV) Lower limits on mass from Lyman-alpha observations Upper limits on mass from X-ray observations
HINTS Supernova explosion process affected Pulsars are known to have anomalously large peculiar velocities – could be explaind by pulsar kicks Decaying sterile neutrinos would significantly affect the reionisation by boosting formation of molecular hydrogen - potentially observable through 21-cm and other probes of reionisation
Lyman-alpha limits Radiative decay channel: Virgo cluster results: m < 8 keV (Boyarski et al) Diffuse X-ray background: m < 5 keV (Abazajian) X-ray limits While relativistic, neutrino free-streams and erases fluctuations on small scales – O (1 Mpc) Ideally probed by Lyman-alpha forest at z=3 m > 10 keV at 99.9% (Seljak et al)
From astro-ph/ , Kevork Abazajian
How to rescule the model? Dodelson-Widrow mechanism well-understood: difficult to escape limits Can mix them with dark matter: Palazzo et al, arXiv: Can make them cooler: Kushenko, hep-ph/
Mixing with dark matter Constraints from X-ray easy to adapt: one simply has to assume a smaller energy density in steriles Constraints from LYA more difficult Adopts a rescaling procedure by matching 1D power spectra at 2 h/Mpc.
Mixing with dark matter
Making them cooler Alexander Kusenko considers single Higgs boson coupled to neutrinos Additional production mechanism of Higgs' S decaying to neutrinos at around 100 GeV These neutrinos have approximately thermal momentum distribution at A very attractive way out.
Making them cooler
Conclusions Sterile neutrinos as DM candidate still alive and kicking. If mixed with DM, constraints weaken considerably, without large admixture of dark matter The model with early production very attractive theoretically, but could do with some more accurate modelling of observations