Dashboard & Carousel banner How to set up your dealer website
We made some updates to your website which we would like to share with you. We reduced the content on your website coming from the national website, while at the same time allowing you to add more content that you like! This guide will give you a handy overview of the following topics: -Dashboard -How to add an image to the carousel banner Other guides available will cover: -How to add an offer -How to add an offer teaser to your homepage -How to set up and design your “About us” section -How to change/add a page or template -How to add and organise your images Introduction
When logging on to your website, you will see your dashboard: Dashboard Take a short cut: click here to edit your new car offers or add/edit images! Using this button, you can jump back to your dashboard from any page This section reflects the menu structure on your website. To directly edit a certain page, click on the link.
Your dealer website has a carousel banner on the first landing page. You can define which image should be the first image! The next slides show you how to do this… Carousel banner
You can add your own image to the carousel banner or define which banners provided by the national website you would like to show. This can be done in a few easy steps! You will need to navigate to your entry page. The easiest way to do so is by clicking on the Suzuki logo in the top-left corner.
Carousel banner On your entry page, you will see the four tabs “Contents”, “View”, “Edit” and “Cropping”. To choose your own banner: 1. Choose tab ‘Edit’ 2. Select the tab ‘First Background Image’. Now you can either: a.Choose an image from a pre- defined pool of images provided by Suzuki (see next slides) or b.Upload your own image. To do so, click on ‘browse’ or ‘Add new Image’ (see next slides) b. a.
Carousel banner Option 1: Choose images from the Suzuki pool In the upper section, you can see images made available by Suzuki. To define your image for the carousel banner, simply click on the radio-button on the left hand- side. Suzuki pool Your own image
Carousel banner Option 2: Upload your own image If you have already uploaded an image, it will show in the lower section and the radio button to its left will be selected. If you have not uploaded an image yet and wish to do so, click on ‘Add new image’ and follow the instructions. To browse for already uploaded images click on ‘browse’ (see next slide for more details on ‘browse’). Suzuki pool Your own image
Carousel banner To browse for already uploaded images click on ‘browse’ (see previous slide). An overlay will open and present the folder structure. These are the options within the overlay a.Use the button ‘Approved Images’ to directly open the ‘Approved images’ folder which Suzuki prepared for you b.Use the button ‘Dealer Images’ to directly open your Dealer image section c.You can navigate through the folder structure by simply clicking on the folders and look for images already uploaded to other folders.
Carousel banner Elements with a magnifying glass in front are images. Use the magnifying glass to open an image preview. To choose an image: 1.Click the image to select 2.Click on ‘Add ’ to add the image to your selection
Carousel banner After clicking on ‘Add ’ in the overlay, the image is added to the selection. Click on ‘Save’ to confirm your selection. The newly added image will be used as first background image from now on. If you don’t want to change anything, click on ‘Cancel ’ to abort the editing.