Band Promotion: Website Creation There are 6 examples of website on the following slides. Indicate how much you like each one by placing the small website icon on the scale below.
Step 1: Reveiws
Reviews learning outcomes Essential: To be able to look at current band websites and list the features that they have. Stretch: To be able to look at current band websites and decide if the features they have are good or bad. Challenge: To be able to look at current websites and be able to explain whether the features have a positive or negative impact on the audience, and why.
Review 1 Find a band that you like and take a print screen of the website. Add it here. Stretch: Add labels to the image to show the main features Challenge: Add labels that show where a house style has been used. Stretch: Add labels to the image to show the main features Challenge: Add labels that show where a house style has been used. Band Logo Large announcement in the bands traditional font Easy access tabs to explore the website
Review What information is given Positives of the website Negatives of the website Website Rating (/10) Announcements Band name + logo Tours Large-Catches your eye Blank sides- could add more info on the sides of the website 8/10
Review 2 Find a band that you like and take a print screen of the website. Add it here. Stretch: Add labels to the image to show the main features Challenge: Add labels that show where a house style has been used. Stretch: Add labels to the image to show the main features Challenge: Add labels that show where a house style has been used.
Review What information is given Positives of the website Negatives of the website Website Rating (/10)
Planning your website From reviewing the websites you should now have an idea of what information you would like to include. You will be using a template to create your website. This is available from the subjects drive.
Folder management
Page 1 checklist - Home LevelTaskComplete Essential Create a banner for all 3 web pages. It should include the logo and at least 1 image. Add information following the writing frame. Collect three images that are suitable to use and insert them onto the page. Stretch When creating the banner make sure that it includes your slogan and combines at least 2 different images. Change the colours used on the page. Create static buttons for Albums, Tour dates and home, and insert the first 2 into the links area. Edit and change at least 2 of the pictures that you use. Challenge Make the banner animated. Make the buttons as rollover buttons Write your own text, that is interesting about the bands background. Change the fonts used.
Page 1 evidence - Home Please take a print screen of page 1 and place here. If you have any animated or interactive features please add labels/annotate to explain them.
Page 2 checklist - Albums LevelTaskComplete Essential Insert the Album cover you have created and complete the fact file. Insert the banner that you have created. Link the home page and the album page together. Stretch Add a page name to the banner (Albums) before you insert it. Add an additional fact to the fact file for the albums. Create a second Album cover and insert onto the page Make sure the colour scheme matches the house style of the first page. Challenge Change the layout of the page to make it look more interesting Insert a scrolling marquee across the bottom of the page about when the next album is due out and one more exciting piece of band information.
Page 2 evidence - Albums Please take a print screen of page 2 and place here. If you have any animated or interactive features please add labels/annotate to explain them.
Page 3 checklist – Tour dates LevelTaskComplete Essential Add an image of the band performing to the page that you have found on the web. Research concert venues and prices and add three realistic tour dates Make sure that all pages are linked together. Stretch Add a page name to the banner (Tour Dates) before you insert it. Make sure 2 images are combined together and fit the house style of the band for the banner. Add text across the top of the image. Make sure the house style across all 3 pages matches. Challenge Create a montage of images and text about the tour as an animated gif. Add a further section to the page with some promotional text about how exciting the tour will be. You need to choose where and how to insert this information onto the page.
Page 3 evidence – Tour dates Please take a print screen of page 1 and place here. If you have any animated or interactive features please add labels/annotate to explain them.
Review You need to have a test buddy review your website. 1. this PowerPoint to the person sitting next to you. 2.They will need to look at the print screens of your website and answer the next screen. 3.They then need to it back. 4.Make sure you save it back into your Y9 area.
Test buddy review Test buddy name: From the website what sort of music do the band play and who are they being aimed at? Do the graphics all work well together? Does the colour scheme work well? What are the best three features of the website? What 2 things could be improved?
Improvements What three changes would you make to your website and how would they make it better? ImprovementReason
Review How did you make your websites style match your bands style? What graphics skills did you need to use to make the banner? Name a problem that you had and explain how you solved the problem. What was your feedback from your test buddy? What could be improved about your website? Try to explain why it makes the website weaker.
Spelling and Grammar Matter How are you getting on with spelling, punctuation and grammar in your review work? LevelDescription of performanceStudentTeacher 0 I am still trying to spell words correctly and write in full sentences which start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. I am still trying to use some ICT key words in my answer. 1 I can spell some words correctly and often use full sentences which start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. There are some mistakes but my meaning is still clear. I have used one or two ICT key words appropriately. 2-3 I can spell most words correctly and write in full sentences nearly all the time. My basic punctuation e.g. commas and question marks is generally accurate and I have used a range of ICT keywords appropriately. 4-5 I can spell accurately and use punctuation including commas, question marks, speech marks etc. accurately. My meaning is clear and well expressed and I have used a wide range of ICT key words appropriately and effectively. Set yourself a literacy target for the next assessment: