Regional Conference: South-South exchange on strategies for universal health coverage Christine Bockstal Département de la Sécurité sociale du BIT 20 février.


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Presentation transcript:

Regional Conference: South-South exchange on strategies for universal health coverage Christine Bockstal Département de la Sécurité sociale du BIT 20 février 2013, Ouagadougou

Elaboration of the proposed Recommendation for the ILC 2012: Consultation process June 2011 ILC Recurrent Discussion on social protection (social security) Resolution and conclusions concerning the recurrent discussion on social protection Decision on standard- setting item (single discussion) at ILC 2012 (GB) August 2011 Law and practice report (white report) Summary of law and practice in member States Questionnaire on possible Recommendation on social protection floors (deadline: 1 November 2011) March 2012 Final report (blue report) Summary of Member responses to questionnaire (2A) Office commentary (2A) Office draft of proposed Recommendation (2B) June 2012 ILC standard-setting discussion (single discussion) Discussion of amendments Adoption of Social Protection Floors Recommendation Questionnaire please submit before 1 Nov 2011 Resolution and conclusions ILC 2011 Resolution and conclusions ILC 2011 Replies from 118 member States Vote: 453 votes in favour, 1 abstention Social Protection Floors Recommend ation

ILO’s two-dimensional strategy for the extension of social security: Building comprehensive social security systems individual/household income Access to essential health care and basic income security for all Social security benefits of guaranteed levels Voluntary insurance under government regulation level of protection high low Horizontal dimension: Guaranteeing access to essential health care and minimum income security for all, guided by Recommendation No. 202 Vertical dimension: progressively ensuring higher levels of protection guided by Convention No. 102 and more advanced standards floor level Outcomes can be guaranteed through different means – there is no one-size-fits-all

“The [Social Protection Floors] Recommendation…needs to be transformed from a piece of paper into policies, legislation, institutions, resources and programmes, leading to real change...our real work has only just begun.” – Jean Feyder, Chairperson, Committee on the Social Protection Floor and Government Member for Luxembourg, following the adoption of Recommendation No.202 by the International Labour Conference, June 2012 Social Protection Floors: Policy and Practice

SPFs: Developing a policy coherence approach 5 SPF-Initiative launched by UNCEB 2009 Creation of the SPF Advisory group 2010 “Bachelet” Report 2011 ILC 2011 calls for a new recommendation on SPFs June ‘11 Nov ‘11 G20 Summit, Cannes, France ILC 2012 adopts Recommendation No. 202 April ‘12 Launch of ILO and SU-SSC joint South-South and triangular cooperation initiative June ‘12 July ‘12 First meeting of SPIAC-B, New York 2010 MDG Summit and Oslo Conference (ILO and IMF)

Social Protection Floor Initiative (SPF-I) Technical cooperation and advisory activities in over 25 countries including: Support development of national social protection strategies and action plans Rwanda, Honduras, Cambodia, Ethiopia etc Joint national SPF Taskforces or SP working groups at country level supporting the implementation of the SPF Haiti, Benin, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Thailand, Indonesia, Rwanda, Togo, Viet Nam, etc. Rapid SPF assessment, ABNDs and costing studies (RAP) of SPF benefits and poverty impact to support/feed into national dialogue Togo, Indonesia, Thailand, Cameroon, Nepal etc. Collaboration with the IMF in the context of pilot projects exploring the fiscal space available to extend social security and close parts of the SPF gaps Mozambique, El Salvador and Viet Nam Initiatives to consolidate national SPFs by building on existing schemesCape Verde, Togo etc. In-depth studies on social protection and employment policies (ILO – EU)Burkina Faso, Cambodia and Honduras 6

Social Protection Inter-Agency Cooperation – Board (SPIAC-B) Board was established based on recommendations of the G20 Development Working Group Jointly chaired by WB and ILO, main active agencies also include UNDP and UNICEF, Secretariat first 2 years ILO Priority of the SPIAC-B is to support the coordination of country activities related to social protection, which includes operational and advocacy work. 3 Meetings so-far: 1.July 2012, New York: Finalized the TOR for SPIAC-B and areas of co-operation with other initiatives, including SPF-I, established. 2.October 2012, Hyderabad: Focus on interagency collaboration at the country level, knowledge sharing and capacity building and the post-2015 development agenda. 3.February 2013, New York: Focus on advocacy, including “social protection advocacy in the context of the deliberations on the Post-2015 development agenda” and on the progress of joint work at the country level. Another topic on the agenda was cooperation in the field of social protection statistics.

ILO-UNDP SU/SSC South-South Cooperation Project Update The project aims to provide specific country-tailored support through facilitating South-South and triangular cooperation between countries from the South to support the design, implementation, monitoring, planning or harmonization of SPF policies or components. CAMBODIA April launching in Cambodia South-South Exchange missions with technical expert of India and Thailand  to support the design of the PEOPLE Service and the IT system of NSSF-Health insurance scheme Report on ‘Single Window Service’ experiences in other countries in the South WEST AFRICA (Burkina Faso, Benin, Togo, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire..) Preliminary study to assess current needs South-South exchange mission and technical workshop in Lomé, Togo, October 2012 Analysis of specific cases of extending health protection in other countries from the South and their relevance to West Africa South-South exchange workshop on strategies for universal health coverage, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, February 2013

For more info... – SPF Initiative website: – SPF website: – GESS platform: – SPF-AG Report: