Halcrow Halcrow delivers planning, design and management services for developing infrastructure and buildings worldwide. They contribute to the construction, operation and maintenance of the built environment, and the protection, enhancement and maintenance of the natural environment. They take on the big issues that affect us all – water, transportation, energy, and creating places to live and work.
Halcrow and Highway Design Lynden Cable is a Civil Engineer from Halcrow and is involved in highway design including redesigning the junction at Nunnery Lane, York. All highway structures must adhere to strict Government standards set out in the Design Manual - Safety Barrier Design and The Highways Agency’s Road Restraints Risk Assessment Process - Barrier Design The fences/barriers are designed to deflect the vehicle back on to the carriageway.
Crash Barriers Investigation Lesson Objectives In this project you will have an opportunity to explore the physics behind highway engineering by designing and testing your team’s model crash barrier and analysing your results. Be able to state what a crash barrier is used for. Be able to name some features of a crash barrier that may affect how well it works. Plan an investigation to find out how type of barrier or type of impact affect the outcome of a crash.
Crash Barriers Investigation Crash barriers What do you already know? Discuss the following: What is a crash barrier? Where are crash barriers used? How do crash barriers work?
Crash Barriers Investigation Crashes Scenario The tyre on a car blows in the outside lane of the motorway, and the car swerves towards the central reservation crash barrier. What things about: The impact vehicle The crash barrier Could affect the outcome of the crash?