Welcome to 1 st Grade Fall Creek Elementary 2013 – 2014 First Grade Team: Kristen Edson, Jennifer Cooke,Katie Hathorn, Abina Dorsett, Phaedra Burton, Rachel Steadman Phaedra Burton, Rachel Steadman
Daily Schedule 7:50 - 8:20 CARE Time Meeting/Calendar 8:20- 11:00 Literacy Block Reading Workshop, Handwriting, Word Study, Writing Workshop 11:00- 12:00 Lunch and Recess 12:20- 1:10 Specials* 1:10- 2:15 Math 2: :10 Science/Social Studies 3:10 Daily Wrap-up 3:20 Dismissal *On Mondays, Specials are 1:15 - 2:10.
Specials Schedule Mon - Music Tues - Computer Wed – P.E. Thurs – Library/Art Fri - Computer
Curriculum Our curriculum follows the state mandated TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) Reading : Guided reading program (emphasize individualized instruction through flexible ability groups) Math : Hands-on investigations with some book work, emphasis on problem solving through exploration Word Study : phonics based study of spelling patterns Writing : Writer’s Workshop (interactive writing activities to build students writing skills) Science/Social Studies : integrated approach so child experiences Science and Social Studies in other content areas
HERSI Testing/Conferences HERSI (Humble ISD Early Reading Screening Inventory) is a 4 component test (DRA, Writing Vocabulary, Word Test, Writing Dictation) given in the fall and spring to measure growth in reading. Results will be shared in October at conferences. Additional conferences will be scheduled as needed.
Reading Bag Your child will bring home books in his/her reading bag daily. After listening to your child read, please sign and return the reading log that will be placed in the daily folder. Please return the folder and books in the bag because they will be used for teaching the next day. Poetry Notebook The Poetry Notebook will be a year long project. We will add poems weekly and compile a collection of well-loved poems and songs. Your child may bring this home in their reading bag. Please return the following day when it does go home.
Red Folders Your child will have a red folder that will go home daily. Their conduct sheet and any homework will be inside this folder. If there is a note, please discuss the situation with your child. Please initial the conduct calendar in the daily folder. Fall Creek Courier newsletter will be ed and other school wide information will be sent home on Tuesdays.
Cardinal Creed Be safe. Be respectful. Be responsible. Along with academic areas, the children are learning appropriate social skills. Classroom expectations have been discussed and posted in the room. If necessary, a behavior management plan will be developed for your child. We will work together to assist your child in developing positive solutions to behavioral conflicts. Helping to develop young men and women of character is a process for life long learners.
Homework Our first graders work very hard during the school day. I ask that you spend 15 minutes each evening reading with your child. Also, go over any work that might be sent home. Occasionally, an assignment will be sent home that we will use in class the next day so it is very important to check your child’s folder and reading bag daily.
Communication & Conferences Please feel free to contact me at any time to discuss concerns you may have about your child. My number is (281) All calls will be forwarded to my voic during instructional times. I will check my messages regularly and return calls as soon as possible. My website can be accessed through the Fall Creek website. My address is The main office number is (281)
Arrival and Dismissal Teachers are on duty in the cafeteria starting at 7:30. All children are dismissed from the cafeteria at 7:55 and are tardy at 8:05. It is important that your child arrives on time as class begins promptly after the tardy bell. Please send a note in the red folder if there is a change in how your child is going home. We cannot approve dismissal changes without written permission or a phone call to the office.
Absences All students who miss a day of school are required to return with a written explanation within 48 hours. Remember to send in doctor or dentist notes to get credit for the day if your child has an appointment.
Medication If your child needs to take medication, please be sure to bring it to the nurse’s office with a note before the child comes to room. Please do not leave it in your child’s backpack. Tylenol, cough drops, prescriptions
Snacks CATCH Break (Coordinated Approach to Child Health) We will have a snack every morning. Please send healthy, nutritious snacks, such as fruit, crackers, cheese, etc. Please send “finger foods” only, since we often eat on the floor during read-aloud time. Drinks - Students may bring a water bottle to keep in the classroom. Please send only water in a “pop-top” bottle to avoid spills. We strongly encourage no peanuts/tree nuts. We strongly encourage no peanuts/tree nuts.
Miscellaneous Birthday Celebrations : You can purchase ice cream in the cafeteria for the class to celebrate. We cannot serve the children birthday treats any longer. Please contact the cafeteria manager for more information. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. School Lunch – Be sure to keep money in your child’s lunch account or send money when your child is buying lunch. Monthly menus are available at
Holidays and Parties PTO handles parties, parents are welcome to come and volunteer No gift bags or additional treats allowed, we can’t pass them out
Anti-Bullying Stop it. Name it. Chose respect.
I feel that open communication between teachers and parents is essential to provide the best education for every child. I ask that if there is a question or concern, you please contact me directly. Your concerns are my concerns. We are partners in you child’s education.