DR. SK. CHATURVEDI OBJECTIVES Describe the program cycle Describe the key components of a PPTCT program Discuss the purposes of global and national PPTCT indicators Understand the role of the healthcare provider in monitoring a PPTCT program
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI The PPTCT Program Network HIV testing and counselling centres Family planning programs Antenatal clinics STI programs Labour and delivery care Postpartum and infant care clinics HIV/AIDS care and treatment Community services for persons living with HIV/AIDS
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Review of PPTCT Intervention Voluntary testing and counselling Safe obstetric practices ARV prophylaxis for HIV-infected women and their infants Safer infant-feeding counselling Links to care and support Careful infection prevention practices
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Choosing PPTCT Interventions Ethically sound Technically up-to-date Relevant to the setting Accepted or endorsed by the communit
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Points to Remember Involve the community Strive for a full range of services Develop interventions that causes minimal burden to clients and families Remain flexible
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Importance of PPTCT Program Indicators Determine if the PPTCT programs are implemented as planned Assess the effects of programs on preventing MTCT Decide how programs can be more effective
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Indicators for PPTCT Programs National indicators Reflect goals, objectives and activities of nationwide plan Health facility indicators Help set targets and track progress towards PPTCT goals Global indicators Reflect current worldwide situation in one health area
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Example of Global PPTCT Indicators Number of pregnant women who tested positive for HIV Number of HIV-positive pregnant women who received ARV prophylaxis Number of newborn babies who received ARV prophylaxis
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Examples of National PPTCT Indicators How will we know if we are reducing MTCT? Proportion of pregnant women who agreed for HIV testing Proportion of HIV positive pregnant women attending ANC who undergo institutional delivery Proportion of HIV positive pregnant women who receive ARV prophylaxis
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Health Facility Indicators Should Answer These Questions Are our programs running the way we planned? Are we reaching the right people? Are clients satisfied with our services? Are our clients becoming healthier? How can we improve our program? What program information is needed at the national level?
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Health Facility Indicators Should Answer These Questions Are our programs Running the way we planned Reaching the right people Requiring improvement Are our patients Satisfied with our services Becoming healthier
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Monitoring and Evaluation in PPTCT Monitoring Tracks indicators Data gathering Analysis and regular reporting Determines if programs are carried out as planned Usually is conducted at health facility Evaluation Measures changes in a situation resulting from an intervention (e.g., a PPTCT service) Usually is conducted at the national level Is costly and complex
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Flow of Record Keeping Data Individual Record Form Daily Summary Reports Monthly Reports Quarterly Reports Annual Global PMTCT Reports department/ facility department/ facility Facility district district/ national
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Characteristics of Good Monitoring Systems Clear definitions of indicators Standard tools, data sources and collection methods Clear roles and responsibilities Clear guidelines and protocols
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Tips for Good Data Collection Understand the data Record the data every time Record all the data Record the data in the same way every time The healthcare worker should know who is responsible for the monitoring system, be able to record data accurately and reliably, and understand how and when to report service and client health-related information.
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Key Points The program cycle describes the process required to conduct a program. Program cycle steps include situation analysis, planning and design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. Use global, national and facility-level indicators to measure progress toward program and health goals. Health facility data should reflect national indicators for PPTCT so the program data can contribute to the national-level monitoring and evaluation.
DR. SK. CHATURVEDI Key Points (continued) Monitoring is the routine tracking of program information Reliable and accurate health facility record keeping provides essential information for providing quality health care and monitoring PPTCT programs.