Social Security Department International Labour Office (ILO) M easuring S ocial P rotection Taking stock of our statistical knowledge Show and Tell 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

Social Security Department International Labour Office (ILO) M easuring S ocial P rotection Taking stock of our statistical knowledge Show and Tell 2010 International Labour Office, Geneva, 12 May 2010

Taking stock of our statistical knowledge| Outline 1.SSIOverview of the ILO social security inquiry database: Why? What and How? 2. WSSRThe World Social Security Report Security Report 2010/ Concluding Remarks Challenges & Strategy

SSI. Why? | The ILO Social Security Inquiry Main objective  Building a knowledge base at the global level  Objective: Collect, store and disseminate, on a regular and sustainable basis, comparable statistics on the financing, expenditure, benefit levels & coverage of social security systems/programmes.  Rationale: Address the lack of (comparable) social security statistics outside the OECD world  Collected information should  Allow calculation of indicators for specific social security schemes and selected aggregate indicators at national level for as many countries as possible;  Constitute a basis for analysis within the framework of studies and research work;  Contribute to measure progress towards decent work with respect to its social security dimension;  Be accessible to internal and external users but regulated (different access according to category of users)

SSI. What ? | The ILO Social Security Inquiry Scope  Includes data on  Expenditure and revenue at the national and scheme levels  Coverage and benefit levels (collected at the scheme level)  Some background information  Covers both statutory schemes and some non-statutory schemes  Covers both private and public schemes  Type of data | data collected at the scheme level from social security institutions which administer the scheme  Functions covered  Old age; disability; survivors; sickness and health; unemployment; employment injury & occupational disease; family/children, and maternity (C102).  Supplemented by housing; other income support and assistance (n.e.c.) /social exclusion  Compatibility | Systematic approach compatible with existing statistical frameworks used in the EU (ESSPROS) and the OECD  Focus on developing countries (EU and OECD countries being covered by existing databases — expenditure data at least)

SSI.Where & How? | Countries covered & main sources OECD & Eurostat Benefit expenditure from OECD SOCX database Expenditure & Revenue from Eurostat Issue: No data on coverage Completed when possible for a few countries (e.g. Australia, New-Zealand, Canada) ADB | Social Protection Index (27) Data on expenditure & beneficiaries Comprehensive overview for one or two years Issues: update and find more detailed information Some countries partially updated ISSA countries (25) Source: ISSA statistical database on social security in developing countries. Long term benefits (main schemes) & in some cases employment injury Public compulsory statutory schemes When possible, completed & updated with national available data Issues Stop the process in 2006|07. The objective is to re-activate the network of ISSA members & use SSÌ Complete the overview National coordinator & Other sources National coordinator (32) contacting & collecting data directly from social security institutions (recently Ukraine, Senegal) Issues: i) most efficient way to identify schemes but also the most costly one; ii) regularity and sustainability of the process of data collection National reports & websites (23)  Social security institutions’ annual and statistical reports & websites  Data collected in the context of specific projects

SSI. What ? | Screen shots: “a guided tour in the inquiry” Levels of information & sources Automatic calculation of indicators SSI Core data Social security institutions | individual scheme data Data entry online possible Scheme level What? Economic & financial information Population & Employment Used as denominator for indicators Social security expenditure & revenue (IMF, ESSPROS) Sources International data sources (automatic insertion) National sources National level

Step 1 | Inventory of social security schemes & definition of each scheme SSI. What ? | Screen shots: “a guided tour in the inquiry” Thailand - An Inventory of schemes Step 2 | Individual scheme information Qualitative & Quantitative First part | Textual information & direct links Description of the scheme including information from SSPTW Second part | Quantitative information at the scheme level Target group, Affiliated | active contributors, Expenditure & Revenue Third part | Benefits provided by the scheme (beneficiaries, expenditure and benefit level)

SSI. What for? | Indicators at the national level Systematic calculation of a set of aggregate indicators Expenditure indicators (30 indicators in total), such as –Total social security expenditure as a percentage of GDP –Expenditure by social security branch Coverage indicators by function (or social security branch) – around 10 indicators per social security branch –Protection indicators (contributors and affiliated), such as: Trends in the number of active contributors in proportion of the working age (or economically active population) by function –Recipients indicators (beneficiaries) Trends in the number of beneficiaries for a given contingency (e.g. Old age pensioners (at all ages or above retirement age) as a proportion of elderly population (%))  Benefit level indicators under development ● Depending on data availability and type of indicators ● Trends from 2000 to 2008 (especially for old age & unemployment) ● Results for total and by sex Coverage indicators

Indicators section View all indicators for this country China | View all available indicators from 2000 to 2008 SSI. What for? | Aggregate indicators online National aggregated indicators Option 2 Consultation of All countries for a given indicator: Share of unemployed receiving unemployment benefits

SSI | Current situation  Significant recent expansion thanks to joint efforts with the inclusion of ISSA, ADB and OECD countries –Agreement of joint activities on the point to be signed between OECD, ADB and ILO  Including OECD countries, SSI includes around one hundred countries with “some” data –More data on expenditure | Less on coverage & benefit level –Limited or no coverage information on health care but more on pensions and unemployment  Supplemented when possible by complementary data: mostly household survey data  One first significant “output”: the first edition of the World Social Security Report (WSSR 2010/11)

2. WSSR | The World Social Security Report 2010/11 Providing coverage in times of crisis and beyond World Social Security Report 2010/11 Workspace  World social security report section  The first in a series of World Social Security Reports  Objectives –To present the knowledge available on social security coverage worldwide; and identify existing coverage gaps; –To provide a factual basis which helps to monitor the global progress on social security coverage and thus support the ILO’s & national campaigns to extend coverage  Deals with i) the scope, extent and level of coverage; ii) scale of countries investment in social security and…  One specific topic in each new edition,  “the crisis” in 2010/11 and “Social security and women in rural areas in 2012/13”  A complete set of resources: data, graphs & databases available online

Old age coverage < 20% Percentage of elderly receiving an old age retirement pension WSSR | Indicators: Old age pension coverage (contributory & non-contributory schemes) — Proportion of elderly receiving a pension

Unemployment type of programme No statutory unemployment scheme Unemployment — Effective coverage Less than one third WSSR | Indicators and further analysis Unemployed receiving unemployment benefits

PART 1 | Monitoring the state of social security coverage PART 2 | Thematic focus — Social security in times of crisis Chapter 1 | Definitions, standards and concepts WSSR | Chapters: “Meli-Melo” of graphs Chapter 2 | Scope of social security coverage around the world Number of branches covered by a statutory social security programme, 2008–09 Chapter 3 | Social health protection coverage The global deficit in social health protection coverage and effective access to health services in 2006 Chapter 4 | Coverage by social security pensions: Income security in old age Old-age pension beneficiaries as a proportion of the elderly by income level, various countries, latest available year Chapter 5 | Income support to the unemployed Unemployed receiving unemployment benefits, selected countries, latest available year Chapter 6 | Coverage by other branches of social security Active contributors or protected persons as a percentage of working- age population and employment, latest available year Chapter 7 | Minimum income support and other social assistance Social protection expenditure by type (ADB definitions), selected countries, 2008 (percentage of GDP) Chapter 8 | Investments in social security: Amounts, results and efficiency Social security expenditure by region, weighted by population, latest available year (percentage of GDP) Chapter 9 | A first approximation of a success factor analysis Resources committed, statutory provision and coverage achieved: A mapping of countries by income level Thematic focus | Social security in times of crisis Number of unemployed receiving social security unemployment benefits, weighted average, selected countries, 2007–10 (Index value 100 = January 2008)

Concluding remarks | Challenges & Strategy  There is need for data and we face some common challenges –Availability & quality of statistical information in particular in developing countries –Fragmentation of interventions: Multiplicity of actors and higher share of non governmental interventions –Deficit of coordination & network of social protection providers and social protection statistics providers at the national level  Strategy – Build on existing data and gradually improve the knowledge base – Contribute to build capacity at the national level – Enhance the use of household survey data for coverage measures and develop some complementary tools, in particular social security oriented modules in household surveys (HBS, LFS) – Develop partnerships and set up agreed and shared methodologies  Make the Social Security Inquiry “Non-ILO limited”  Build a network of collaborators  Combine efforts!

16  Useful  GESS | Statistics and related pages World social security report