1 The Davidian Seventh-day Adventists Association (an unincorporated Association constituting a Church) Mt. Carmel, Waco Texas P.O. Box 23738, Waco, TX.


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Presentation transcript:

1 The Davidian Seventh-day Adventists Association (an unincorporated Association constituting a Church) Mt. Carmel, Waco Texas P.O. Box 23738, Waco, TX

Presentation No. 7 Part Two Section XII (c) “The Ox-plow Stage Climax” (slaughter in the 9 th -hour church) 2

Presented by Lennox Sam Minister of Davidian Seventh-day Adventists 3

Christ and His angels descend to the earth Half an Hour Silence in Heaven Offering prayers & casting of fire Second Session -- Judgment of the Living 18th day 1 st Month to 17 th day 6 th Month Apr. 7 th – Sept. 3 rd 20_ _ After the slaughter the angel pours out the Spirit upon the first of the first fruits of the living. (Rev. 8: 5) Test. Vol. 9, pg. 126: Revival & reformation in the 9 th -hour church such as the world had never seen. The ox-plow stage of the sealing message begins, the SROD Message in its purity is preached to the 9 th -hour church. (5 Months-150 days) 4 17 th day 6 th Month September 3 rd, 20_ _ The man with the writer’s inkhorn marks all the saints that joined the 11 th hour church, while the five others slay the wicked that remained in the 9 th - hour church. After this slaying is completed the Lord returns to Heaven. Assyria falls The 11 th Hour Church is now ready for the last and final conflict with the enemy, which will cause its members to cry day and night for deliverance. Ox-plow Stage of the Sealing Message GATHERING TIME IN THE FIRST HARVEST – Ezek. 9 SR1: 37.2: “Five Men Follow The One” -- “…The men with the slaughter weapons must immediately follow the one with the writer's inkhorn. …. The men with the slaughter weapons were already slaying before the man with the writer's inkhorn returned to report the matter that he had done as he was commanded. See Ezekiel 9:8, 11.” TG52: “FIVE MEN SLAY AFTER ONE SETS A MARK” 1TG52: 21.1: “….. Is there then any question that if the brethren are left ignorant of this cleansing work that God is about to do among His people, I say, if they be left ignorant of it, will they not fall in the general destruction of the wicked, represented by the work of the five men bearing slaughter weapons? 1947 SR1: 37.2: “Five Men Follow The One” -- “…The men with the slaughter weapons must immediately follow the one with the writer's inkhorn. …. The men with the slaughter weapons were already slaying before the man with the writer's inkhorn returned to report the matter that he had done as he was commanded. See Ezekiel 9:8, 11.” TG52: “FIVE MEN SLAY AFTER ONE SETS A MARK” 1TG52: 21.1: “….. Is there then any question that if the brethren are left ignorant of this cleansing work that God is about to do among His people, I say, if they be left ignorant of it, will they not fall in the general destruction of the wicked, represented by the work of the five men bearing slaughter weapons? 1947 Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches during THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED (One Year prior to the Kingdom)

Half an Hour Silence in Heaven Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches during THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED (One Year prior to the Kingdom) Second Session -- Judgment of the Living 5 SR2: 185.3: “… the sealing was finished, and probation for the church had closed -- the door was shut. Thus they were left out. Then they came with these words: "Lord, Lord, open unto us, But He answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not." "Appoint his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." What a disappointment that will be! TN3: 71.2: “The reason that the church is figuratively not "Babylon" is that it is called Jerusalem (Ezek. 9:4,8), and from among the good therein, the wicked (the tares) are destroyed, taken out, by the six men with the slaughter weapons (Ezek. 9:6- 9), …” 1942 TN3: 71.3: “Thus in the first section of the harvest, the separation in the church, the wicked are destroyed by six men with slaughter weapons, before the good are taken out....” 1942 SR2: 185.3: “… the sealing was finished, and probation for the church had closed -- the door was shut. Thus they were left out. Then they came with these words: "Lord, Lord, open unto us, But He answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not." "Appoint his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." What a disappointment that will be! TN3: 71.2: “The reason that the church is figuratively not "Babylon" is that it is called Jerusalem (Ezek. 9:4,8), and from among the good therein, the wicked (the tares) are destroyed, taken out, by the six men with the slaughter weapons (Ezek. 9:6- 9), …” 1942 TN3: 71.3: “Thus in the first section of the harvest, the separation in the church, the wicked are destroyed by six men with slaughter weapons, before the good are taken out....” 1942 SR1: 37.2: “Five Men Follow The One” -- “…The men with the slaughter weapons must immediately follow the one with the writer's inkhorn. …. The men with the slaughter weapons were already slaying before the man with the writer's inkhorn returned to report the matter that he had done as he was commanded. See Ezekiel 9:8, 11.” 1930 SR2: 182.2: “…… Thus again it proves that the 144,000 are the five wise virgins; and the foolish ones are they who shall fall under the destroying weapons in the hand of the "five men." TG52: “FIVE MEN SLAY AFTER ONE SETS A MARK” 1TG52: 21.1: “….. Is there then any question that if the brethren are left ignorant of this cleansing work that God is about to do among His people, I say, if they be left ignorant of it, will they not fall in the general destruction of the wicked, represented by the work of the five men bearing slaughter weapons? 1947 SR1: 37.2: “Five Men Follow The One” -- “…The men with the slaughter weapons must immediately follow the one with the writer's inkhorn. …. The men with the slaughter weapons were already slaying before the man with the writer's inkhorn returned to report the matter that he had done as he was commanded. See Ezekiel 9:8, 11.” 1930 SR2: 182.2: “…… Thus again it proves that the 144,000 are the five wise virgins; and the foolish ones are they who shall fall under the destroying weapons in the hand of the "five men." TG52: “FIVE MEN SLAY AFTER ONE SETS A MARK” 1TG52: 21.1: “….. Is there then any question that if the brethren are left ignorant of this cleansing work that God is about to do among His people, I say, if they be left ignorant of it, will they not fall in the general destruction of the wicked, represented by the work of the five men bearing slaughter weapons? 1947 Slaughter in the 11 th -hour church Slaughter in the 9 th -hour church Slaughter By Six Angels Sealing Slaughter by Five Angels Slaughter BEGINNING OF FIRST HARVEST -- Ezek. 9 CLOSE OF THE GATHERING TIME OF THE FIRST HARVEST – Ezek. 9 Foolish Virgins at the Door Slaughter by six men Sealing Finished Probation close Door Shut 11SC7: 3.1: “(The sermon which has been selected for this issue of The Symbolic Code is on Isaiah 27. It was given on several occasions in 1936 and the last time Brother Houteff presented it was February 27, On September 21, 1936 Brother Houteff made the remarks concerning the possibility of trouble coming to the church after the sealing of the saints and before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9, and if so what the results would be and why. Since Revelation 11 has more recently been unfolded before us, we should be able to see that it is not just a possibility, but rather a fact and an approaching reality that trouble is coming to the church before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. None therefore need to be ignorant concerning what we must now be doing about it." 11SC7: 8.1: “You notice here the angels are not told to hold the winds until Ezekiel 9 has been fulfilled, but until the servants of God are sealed. Therefore if there is any intervening time between the close of the sealing and the slaughter of Ezekiel 9 there is a possibility that the winds could start blowing during that time…..” 13SC3,4: 10.1: "The confederacy that we are studying this afternoon commences before the loud cry and before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. It is not the image of the beast for this association precedes the image of the beast, and the confederacy is formed when the nations are girding themselves for war. Put another way the confederacy will commence after the sealing and perhaps just before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. Moreover, it is in the time when the Christian nations are united and that the woman “Babylon” will sit on the seven “heads” Rev. 17: 9 depicting also the union of churches under Babylon." 11SC7: 3.1: “(The sermon which has been selected for this issue of The Symbolic Code is on Isaiah 27. It was given on several occasions in 1936 and the last time Brother Houteff presented it was February 27, On September 21, 1936 Brother Houteff made the remarks concerning the possibility of trouble coming to the church after the sealing of the saints and before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9, and if so what the results would be and why. Since Revelation 11 has more recently been unfolded before us, we should be able to see that it is not just a possibility, but rather a fact and an approaching reality that trouble is coming to the church before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. None therefore need to be ignorant concerning what we must now be doing about it." 11SC7: 8.1: “You notice here the angels are not told to hold the winds until Ezekiel 9 has been fulfilled, but until the servants of God are sealed. Therefore if there is any intervening time between the close of the sealing and the slaughter of Ezekiel 9 there is a possibility that the winds could start blowing during that time…..” 13SC3,4: 10.1: "The confederacy that we are studying this afternoon commences before the loud cry and before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. It is not the image of the beast for this association precedes the image of the beast, and the confederacy is formed when the nations are girding themselves for war. Put another way the confederacy will commence after the sealing and perhaps just before the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. Moreover, it is in the time when the Christian nations are united and that the woman “Babylon” will sit on the seven “heads” Rev. 17: 9 depicting also the union of churches under Babylon."

Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches during THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED (One Year prior to the Kingdom) 6

The Davidian Leaderships (Numbering over 20 plus different groups) The Laodicean Leadership (Warring against the Truth) The Davidian Laity (Worshiping their belief systems) The Laodicean Laity (Worshiping the leadership) The Seventh-day Adventist Denomination 11 th Hour Church 9 th Hour Church Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches during THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED (One Year prior to the Kingdom) 7

TN1: 39.2 Following the completion of the "slaughter," and just preceding the scattering of the "coals of fire" "over the city," "the cherubims stood on the right side of the house,...and the cloud filled the inner court." Ezek. 10:2, 3. Later they "lifted up their wings, and mounted up from the earth in my sight," says the prophet. Ezek. 10:19. Then subsequently he saw them again "lift up their wings" (Ezek. 11:22, 23), showing that though they had departed after the separation took place (Ezek. 10:3, 19), they had later returned, and were now departing for the second time. Offering prayers & casting of fire Second Session -- Judgment of the Living 18th day 1 st Month to 17 th day 6 th Month Apr. 7 th – Sept. 3 rd 20_ _ After the slaughter the angel pours out the Spirit upon the first of the first fruits of the living. (Rev. 8: 5) Test. Vol. 9, pg. 126: Revival & reformation in the 9 th -hour church such as the world had never seen. The ox-plow stage of the sealing message begins, the SROD Message in its purity is preached to the 9 th -hour church. (5 Months-150 days) 8 17 th day 6 th Month September 3 rd, 20_ _ The man with the writer’s inkhorn marks all the saints that joined the 11 th hour church, while the five others slay the wicked that remained in the 9 th - hour church. After this slaying is completed the Lord returns to Heaven. Assyria falls The 11 th Hour Church is now ready for the last and final conflict with the enemy, which will cause its members to cry day and night for deliverance. Ox-plow Stage of the Sealing Message The Lord Departed after the slaughter by the five men Ezekiel 9 Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches during THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED (One Year prior to the Kingdom)

Ezek. 9: 11: And, behold, the man clothed with linen, which [had] the inkhorn by his side, reported the matter, saying, I have done as thou hast commanded me. TN1: 22.1: Were probation to close at the time of the first report (Ezek. 9:11), the Lord must, according to the foregoing statement, be in heaven, then descend to earth to receive His saints, instead of being already on earth, then mounting up in His throne, as He actually does, without His saints (Ezek. 10:19). TN1: 22.2: Again: the prophet's being left behind when the Lord went up, figuratively shows that at this particular descent and ascent, the saints are not to be taken to heaven, but only to be set free from sin and sinners -- fitted for the final work. Offering prayers & casting of fire Second Session -- Judgment of the Living 18th day 1 st Month to 17 th day 6 th Month Apr. 7 th – Sept. 3 rd 20_ _ After the slaughter the angel pours out the Spirit upon the first of the first fruits of the living. (Rev. 8: 5) Test. Vol. 9, pg. 126: Revival & reformation in the 9 th -hour church such as the world had never seen. The ox-plow stage of the sealing message begins, the SROD Message in its purity is preached to the 9 th -hour church. (5 Months-150 days) 9 17 th day 6 th Month September 3 rd, 20_ _ The man with the writer’s inkhorn marks all the saints that joined the 11 th hour church, while the five others slay the wicked that remained in the 9 th - hour church. After this slaying is completed the Lord returns to Heaven. Assyria falls The 11 th Hour Church is now ready for the last and final conflict with the enemy, which will cause its members to cry day and night for deliverance. Ox-plow Stage of the Sealing Message The Lord Departed after the slaughter by the five men Ezek. 10: 19: And the cherubims lifted up their wings, and mounted up from the earth in my sight: when they went out, the wheels also [were] beside them, and [every one] stood at the door of the east gate of the LORD'S house; and the glory of the God of Israel [was] over them above. Activities in the 11 TH -hour and the 9 th -hour Churches during THE YEAR OF HIS REDEEMED (One Year prior to the Kingdom)