Today’s Goals 1. Attitude Change Assignment (#1) From your assignment: “I STRONGLY recommend that you restrict your [ad] choices to products found in the Vividata database and use other SFU Library resources...” Making the best choices and using the best resources 2. Assign. #2 – darts vs. eavesdropping 3. Getting help 2
BUS 347 research guide 3
Choosing a publication and an ad 4
5 Publication: Likely to have specific readers (Hobby mag? Special interest? Clearly aimed at young women/old men, etc.) Demographics of readers available detailed Media Kit
READERS: Media KitMedia Kit 6 Source: PMB
Choosing a publication and an ad 7 Publication: Likely to have specific readers (Hobby mag? Special interest? Clearly aimed at young women/old men, etc.) Demographics of readers available detailed Media Kit or even more detailed Vivdata data Read by Canadians Consider browsing at your local public library (in person or online via Zinio or PressDisplay)
READERS: VividataVividata 8
READERS: VividataVividata 9
Choosing a publication and an ad 10 Advertisement: Product isn’t too new – brand has been around for at least a few years. Likely to have distinctive consumers Covered by the Vividata Reports (our main source of consumer demographic data at a brand level) Sold in Canada
CONSUMERS: VividataVividata 12 No brands showing up? Try clicking on Change Survey at the top of the PMB screen, then choose an older version of the survey.
CONSUMERS: VividataVividata 13
CONSUMERS: VividataVividata 14
CONSUMERS: VividataVividata 15
CONSUMERS: VividataVividata 16
CONSUMERS: Business SourceBusiness Source 17 One of the articles that came up in my Business Source Complete search for: Gillette and fusion and consumer
CONSUMERS: Best CustomersBest Customers 18
CONSUMERS: Passport GMIDPassport GMID 19
COMPANIES: Passport GMIDPassport GMID 20
TEST! 21 Would this ad... found in this publication... work for your assignment? Why? / Why not?
Assignment #2 How do you approach... “gather 15 articles”? 22 Playing darts... blind? 1
Assignment #2 How do you approach... “gather 15 articles”? 23 A scavenger hunt in a dense fog? 2
Assignment #2 How do you approach... “gather 15 articles”? 24 Eavesdropping on a conversation? 3
Help? 25