CCVESA Carroll County Volunteer Emergency Services Association FY 13 Budget Presentation March 27, 2012
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CCVESA Budgets FY 09 - FY 13 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 Requested EMS 24/7 $3,637,760 $3,679,760 $3,790,150 Change 1.61% 1.15% 0.00% 3.02% CCVESA $6,153,130 $6,327,280 $6,337,280 $6,500,000 $6,695,000 -2.00% 2.83% 0.16% 2.57% 3.00% Total $9,790,890 $10,007,040 $10,017,040 $10,179,760 $10,485,150 -0.69% 2.21% 0.10% 1.62% 1.15% increase from FY 09 to FY 12 5.64% increase from FY 09 to FY 12 3.97% increase from FY 09 to FY 12
Fire & EMS Budget Comparison by County FY 12 Baltimore Frederick Howard Carroll Career $ 74,545,754.00 $ 40,098,177.00 $ 76,467,497.00 Volunteer $ 6,791,465.00 $ 2,829,739.00 $ 13,955,083.00 EMS $ 3,679,760.00 CCVESA $ 6,500,000.00 Total Funding For Fire & EMS $ 81,337,219.00 $ 42,927,916.00 $ 90,422,580.00 $ 10,179,760.00 Population 805,029 233,385 286,669 174,650 Per Capita $ 101.04 $ 183.94 $ 315.43 $ 58.29 Average of 3 Career Counties $ 200.13 Difference $ 141.84 Estimated Cost $ 34,952,704.50 Estimated Savings $ 24,772,944.50