802.15 Projects with 5G Potential March 15, 2016 The Venetian Macau <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<492> March 2016 802.15 Projects with 5G Potential March 15, 2016 The Venetian Macau Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance <author>, <company>
March 2016 802.15.3d and 5G Project Scope: This amendment defines a wireless switched point-to-point PHYto IEEE Std. 802.15.3 operating at a nominal PHY data rate of 100 Gbps with fallbacks to lower data rates as needed. Operation is considered in bands from 252 GHz to 325 GHz at ranges as short as a few centimeters and up to several 100m. Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
March 2016 802.15.3d and 5G Thought: TG3d as a component for backhauling/ fronthauling 5G networks Background: Predicted traffic demands for 5G networks are characterized by: tremendous growth in connectivity and data traffic density/volume multi-layer densification to enable the traffic volumes NGMN 5G white paper predicts traffic densities of several Tbps/km2 Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
March 2016 802.15.3d and 5G This will require enormous capacities in the backhaul and fronthaul network to carry this traffic. Fibre-optic networks, which may be able to provide the required capacities will not be an option everywhere even some operators may have no or no complete access to a fibre-optic backhaul/fronthaul network. One viable alternative in such cases might be to use radio-based backhaul / fronthaul links in the millimeter or sub-millimeter wave bands. Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
802.15.3d and 5G Another alternative might be to use 15.3d March 2016 802.15.3d and 5G Another alternative might be to use 15.3d P802.15.3d defines an alternative transmission systems occupying bandwidths as large as several tens of GHz Required spectrum can be found beyond 252 GHz This will allow achieving data rates of several 10s of Gb/s with less complexity in the baseband In addition the data center application of 15.3d may become of interest for 5G in the context using Cloud-RAN concepts, where frequent reconfiguration may be an issue as well. Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
802.15.7 REVa and 5G Project Scope: March 2016 802.15.7 REVa and 5G Project Scope: This standard defines a PHY and MAC for short-range optical wireless communications in optically transparent media using light wavelengths from 10,000 nm to 190 nm. The standard is capable of delivering data rates sufficient to support audio and video multimedia services and also considers mobility of the optical link, compatibility with various light infrastructures, impairments due to noise and interference from sources like ambient light and a MAC layer that accommodates the unique needs of visible links as well as the other targeted light wavelengths. It also accommodates optical communications for cameras where transmitting devices incorporate light emitting sources and receivers are digital cameras with a lens and image sensor. The standard adheres to applicable eye safety regulations. Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
March 2016 802.15.8 and 5G Scope: PHY and MAC spec for a broad range of data rates from 10 Kbps to 55 Mbps dynamically scalable, optimized for personal space communications typically operating in a range of 30 meters or less in the 2.4GHz and 60GHz unlicensed bands. Support features including simultaneous use of multiple channels, dynamic grouping, multiple peer-to-peer communications, location of devices, multicasting, coverage extension, low latency, fast synchronization and association of devices, low power consumption, and enhanced security. . Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
March 2016 802.15.8 and 5G Purpose: Provides communications in a personal space involving various devices associated with a single individual, controlled and managed in a personally tailored fashion. It provides, in a mobile personal space, cost effective wireless connectivity with a broad range of data rates from low rate data to voice/video streaming and broadcasting in the unlicensed bands. The data rate is dynamically scalable to support simultaneous multiple streaming of various information such as control data, voice, audio, and video on a single platform. This standard supports dynamic topology configuration to accommodate the change of services. Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance
802.15.4 and 5G Broadly used in IoT Location based services March 2016 Robert F. Heile, Wi-SUN Alliance