CrossCutting topic: Data Quality and European Network of EO Networks Joan Masó Center of Research in Ecology and Forestry Application (CREAF) Barcelona, Spain
research group Multidisciplinary research: Spatial Information production for the Global change: climate, land use, forestry, agriculture, biodiversity Geospatial Standards Metadata, WMTS, WCS, JPEG2000, GUF, Preservation We do theory, methods and applications in RS and GIS: Spatio-temporal modeling: Climate, Water cycle, Agriculture and Forest mapping Distributed Geoservices, GIS & Remote Sensing desktop and Web software developers Center for Research in Ecology and Applied Forestry in Catalonia
Recent EC project participation H2020-SC5 ECOPotential improving future ecosystem benefits through earth observations 2016-2010 H2020-SC5 ConnectinGEO Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations 2015-2017 H2020-SC5 WaterInnEU Applying European market leadership to river basin networks and spreading of innovation on water ICT models, tools and data 2015-2017 FP7-ENV. GeoViQua QUAlity aware VIsualisation for the Global Earth Observation system of systems 2011-2014 FP7-ENV. EGIDA Coordinating Earth and Environmental cross-disciplinary projects to promote GEOSS 2010-2012 FP7-SPACE.GEO-PICTURES GMES and Earth Observation with Position-based Image and sensor Communications Technology for Universal Rescue, Emergency and Surveillance management 2010- 2012 coordinators coordinators coordinators
Documentation and Data Quality QA/QC Producer quality model User feedback User Quality Documentation and Data Quality Guidelines This Figure depicts the enhanced capabilities in an operational view diagram. The contribution of resources related to earth observing systems are primarily data and services, and their descriptions (metadata). The central portion of the diagram shows the GEOSS Common Infrastructure that coordinates access to the systems, applications, models, and products. Users are shown in the context of the nine official GEO SBAs. 4 4
Documentation and data quality Use Metadata and quality vocabularies ISO19157 and QualityML Focus on provenance recording the data collection and/or generation, in detail sufficient to allow reproducibility. Quality assessments in associated metadata tightly coupled to the data. Address the multiple dimensions of quality: Spatial and temporal coverage, resolution and uncertainties; Consistency; Attribution of error sources; Validation information; Latency time; Usability & purposes. GEOSS Data Quality Guidelines Approved by DDQ Subgroup on 12 June 2013 Approved by DSWG on 19 June 2013
User Feedback Report fitness of purpose directly by recommending , in a standard way, and demonstrating the correct use of metadata to document dataset characteristics and quality. Provide user feedback to data providers and other data users, using distributed repositories. Result: An increase the knowledge of the quality characteristics of the product’s real use. NEWS: Geospatial User Feedback, developed by GeoViQua, is now an OGC standard: 15-097r1 and 15-098r1
ENEON provides Europe’s in-situ networks with a common strategy Numerous in-situ networks operate across Europe underpinning European Earth observation; however they are not supported by a common strategy. A common strategy will aid the in situ community in terms of identifying gaps and setting priorities, infrastructure, standards, interoperability, data policy and sustainability. ENEON will link the heterogeneous in-situ networks presenting a unified voice to the EC, GEO, EARSC, Copernicus and the wider community Committees: Funding and sustainability; Network list and relational graph; and EO inventory and gaps Working groups: Novel in-situ sensors; EV for SDG monitoring; and Food, Water and Energy Nexus ENEON provides Europe’s in-situ networks with a common strategy