Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group Rules Committee STUDY GROUP SUCCESSION Recommendations for a stakeholders’ committee on airport noise (this group has not been named)
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group Rules Committee PURPOSE The airport noise committee should: ·ensure that the Noise Compatibility Study is fully implemented ·monitor and address all associated impacts and issues ·adopt a mission statement that addresses a vision focused on noise compatibility at Louisville International Airport
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group Rules Committee OBJECTIVES ·Identify which stakeholders should be represented ·Ensure that all stakeholders are adequately represented ·Maintain a total number that is small enough to maximize efficiency
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group Rules Committee RECOMMENDED STRUCTURE 1) RAA Noise Officer 2) Air Traffic Control 3) Airport Affairs Committee 4) Kentucky Air National Guard 5) General Aviation (at LIA) 6) University of Louisville 7) Louisville Metro Government 8) Regional Airport Authority Board Member 9) Airport Neighbors' Alliance (ANA) 10-13) Four airport-area Resident Representatives
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group Rules Committee RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVES ·The airport area should be divided into quadrants, with one representative named from each ·The quadrants should be split north and south by the Watterson Expressway, and east and west by a line passing between the airport's two parallel runways ·As the acknowledged organization for airport neighbors' concerns, ANA should provide the mechanism for filling these four seats. ·ANA should form a standing committee to identify a resident of each quadrant ·Residents need not be members of ANA to serve on the airport noise committee
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group Rules Committee PROCESS Decisions of the airport noise committee should be made by consensus
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group Rules Committee IMPLEMENTATION The Rules Committee should continue work to ·Organize the airport noise committee ·Propose a charter or bylaws ·Identify representatives of the stakeholders ·Call an initial meeting of the new group
Airport Noise Compatibility Study Group Rules Committee IMPLEMENTATION The Rules Committee welcomes new members!