Hello! My name is James Jarvis. I’ve always preferred to go by Jimi. That’s a Korean nick-name, Ji Mi. Professionally, most of my background is in the hospitality industry from hotels to resorts. This sort of profession allowed me to live in different regions from the states to Central America. I’ve recently moved back “home” to Texas to be with family after two years living and working at Copper Mountain Ski Resort in the Colorado Rockies. My interests include photography, literature, teaching, hiking, skiing and travel.
I attended public school all my life. By the time high school came around, my life was very chaotic. I never graduated but earned my GED instead. This wasn’t what I had planned for myself as I was a great student who loved learning up until this time. I thought I would be okay though since I had skipped a grade through academic recognition. It took me a great while to pursue higher education but I’m glad I did.
I started my higher education as an art student. I completed a few semesters pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Texas at Arlington. By chance I was awarded a scholarship to teach English Language in South Korea for a year and jumped at the opportunity to travel to my mother’s native country to which I had never been. I soaked up some culture and fell in love with teaching so much that I decided to pursue education instead of completing my art degree. I’d like to return to teaching language abroad and hope to gain enough experience to teach at the university level. Although I am qualified to teach abroad now to grades K-12 in both public and private sectors, I know that furthering my education to a Masters of Education will certainly help me to break into the universities abroad.
“Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together.” ~ Scott Hayden