Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) Section 100 Indigenous
Learning objectives Understand the reasons for the development of the s100 Indigenous Scheme Have an understanding of the purpose of the scheme
Initiative of PBS S100 Special arrangements for the supply of medicines to be provided to people in isolated areas State pharmacies or private pharmacies are permitted to supply approved PBS medicines in bulk quantities to approved Indigenous Health Services in remote locations
Purpose Improving access to approved PBS medicines for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Help encourage patient compliance with prescribed treatment regimes Invest savings made by Queensland Health into local community health service improvements
Calculation of Savings Originally calculated by doubling the charge out value of the medicines ordered and supplied in the first 6 months of the arrangement Since then it is indexed annually by CPI to end of March across the eight weighted capital cities
Reporting Requirements Queensland Health is required to report to the Commonwealth and the Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council about the application of savings arising from S100
Key Issues Current MOU extended to 31 Dec Waiting on notification Handling fee is being reviewed Access eligibility criteria to include other Indigenous communities not than just remote communities
Learning Activity Please complete the following learning activity