Practice れんしゅう (times & phone #s) 50ページ II B 51ページ III A
なんじですか。II B Listen to the instructor, asking the time in different cities in the world. Student: Say an echo question. Give the time.
~ wa ima nanji desu ka. What time is (it) in ~ now? Stockholm (Sutokku horumu) AM
PM New Delhi (Nyuu derii)
PM Nairobi
AM Tokyo (tookyoo)
AM Sydney (shidonii)
でんわばんごうIII A Work with a partner. Person A: Ask phone numbers of the following people. Person B: Give the phone numbers. Person A: Acknowledge the information and thank Person B.
Mearii san 951-0326
Takeshi san 362-4519
691-4236 Suu san
Robaato san 852-1032