SATA Saskatchewan Administrative Tribunal Association May 19, 2016
Vision – Promoting excellence in administrative justice within the province of Saskatchewan Mission – The Saskatchewan Administrative Tribunals Association Inc. provides a forum for discussion, education, and research in the administrative justice system of Saskatchewan. Box 24024, Broad St, Regina, Sask. S4P 4J8
Safety Orientation Washrooms Non-smoking facility Exits First Aid Training (who) Muster point Evaluation form – please hand in at the end of the day. Box 24024, Broad St, Regina, Sask. S4P 4J8
AGM AGENDA May 19, Call Meeting to Order 2.Confirm Quorum 3.Adoption of the last Annual General Meeting of Members of May 5, 2015 and Annual report of the President and the Board of Directors New Business 1.Review of the 2015 Annual Report of the Board of Directors 2.Financial Report – Ken Love 3.Appoint or waive appointment of accountants or auditors pursuant to the Act 4.Election of Directors a. Thank you to Gordon Hubbard (founding member), Ken Love (founding member), Walter Matkowski, Cathy Moberly (founding member) and Marilyn Scott for their multiple terms on the Board. b. Nomination Committee: Election of directors – Lorna Cottenden and Don Ewart 5. Ratification of bylaws and amendments, if any. None at time of printing 6. Other Business 7. Adjourn General Rules: Quorum – s.11:09 A quorum is a majority of Members present in person and entitled to vote. (# members ___registered & in attendance) You must be a paid up member to vote. Previous AGM Minutes distributed and on table now. Electronic copy also available. Directors – staggered 2 year terms, not less than 3 and not more than 15 directors. All Directors need to stay immediately after, for a SATA Board meeting to choose officers. Voting – majority of members present, by show of hands unless a ballot is required or demanded
Annual Report SATA Board Lorna Cottenden, Don Ewart, Jeff Herzberger, Glen Gardner, Gordon Hubbard, Denise Klotz, Ken Love, Walter Matkowski, Cathy Moberly, Bert Ottenson, Tim Rickard, Marilyn Scott, and Karen Smith. President’s Report Finance Report Membership Committee Event Committee Nomination Committee Looking Ahead Box 24024, Broad St, Regina, Sask. S4P 4J8
Annual Report of Board of Directors Welcome to members of SATA. If you are not a member, we hope you will be enticed to join SATA. A special thank you to Jonathan (LRB office) for assisting with the event registration over the past few weeks. A thank you to Laurie for coming out again this year to help with the registration desk duties. The work of the Board has been accomplished through numerous board meetings and through the work of the committees. Each of the committees has a brief report for you today. The number of events has grown and our membership has grown. We are in a good financial position and you will hear more about that, very soon. We continue to work with various government ministries to bring awareness of SATA’s local training and networking opportunities. Treasurer's Report – Ken Love I am happy to advise that SATA is in good financial position. Our cash reserves grew over the last fiscal year by just over $6,000. We now have $32,000. in available cash to support our ongoing operations and programing.
Box 24024, Broad St, Regina, Sask. S4P 4J8
SATA Event Committee Update Purpose: to organize and promote a forum for discussion, and education of administrative justice for the SATA membership. Lorna Cottenden chaired the Committee as of December 30, Additional members were: Glen Gardner, Tim Rickard, Walter Matkowski and Karen Smith. Events: For this year’s Conference & AGM, we have 50 registered attendees. The theme is “Access to Justice- Moving Forward – Stepping up the Action.” Continuing Education and Ethical Credits were provided by the Law Society. Following today’s event, we will begin plans to host a lunch and learn event in the fall and next year’s Conference. Special thanks to everyone who helped make this year’s Conference a success! We’ll be looking for new topics. We are also accepting volunteers. You don’t have to be a board member to help out.
Box 24024, Broad St, Regina, Sask. S4P 4J8 Membership Committee Report Purpose of Committee: to promote and encourage membership in SATA Members: Gordon Hubbard Marilyn Scott Bert Ottenson Don Ewart Denise Klotz Shelley Rayner-Hubick (non-Board member) Duties and responsibilities: - Review membership programs and policies and make recommendations to the SATA Board with respect to programs and Bylaw changes vis a vis membership criteria and policies -Disseminate information about the benefits of membership in SATA to as broad an audience of administrative tribunals as possible Looking for volunteers to help on this committee
Box 24024, Broad St, Regina, Sask. S4P 4J8 Membership Committee (continued) The Committee met several times over the past year. Accomplishments: - Made recommendation to the Board that the membership fee structure, rates and categories remain the same for 2016: individual ($135); group ($1,000 for up to 9) - Completed development of Membership Satisfaction Survey - Began development of lengthier membership survey - Board initiative to offer a membership incentive discount for the FOAJ course offered in conjunction with SATA AGM continued for Recommended that the Board appoint a “website content” committee whose mandate would be to better serve members through on-line resources - Encouraged all current SATA Board members to forward contact information for potential new members to be added to SATA’s distribution list
Box 24024, Broad St, Regina, Sask. S4P 4J8 Report of the Nominating Committee 2016 Annual Meeting The nominating committee (Don Ewart and Lorna Cottenden) recommend the following candidates for election to the Board of Directors of the Saskatchewan Administrative Tribunals Association to serve for a two year term commencing at the date of their election. Continuing Directors (1 year term remaining) - 7 Lorna Cottenden Don Ewart Glen Gardner Jeff Herzberger Denise Klotz Karen Smith Tim Rickard Former Directors Seeking Re-Election - None Other Individuals who have put their names forward for election Joni Graeme Mitchell Robert Graham New Nominations* - call from the floor, if any * No election will be required to be held unless we get more than 4 new nominations. The bylaws permit a maximum of 15 directors. With these nominations, the total number of directors will not reach that maximum number.
Looking Ahead Continue with partnerships with other organizations to share information about training and networking for administrative tribunals FOAJ – shared membership to enjoy discounts – pre- conference workshop yesterday FOAJ – workshop today and celebration of recent grads from the certificate program CCAT Through the theme "Back to the Future: Redefining Tribunal Excellence", the question of what does Tribunal Excellence really mean will be explored over 3 days at the Shaw Centre in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada from May 29 to 31, 2016 Lunch and Learns are popular – looking for topics and volunteer guest speakers Enjoy the rest of the conference Box 24024, Broad St, Regina, Sask. S4P 4J8