6/2008 Keeping Finland Moving
2 6/2008 Jukka Hirvelä Facts about Finland km² of which 77% is forest and 10% lakes and inland waterways. Built-up land is only about 4% 5.3 million inhabitants 550 automobiles/1000 inhabitants
Keeping Finland Moving3 6/2008 Jukka Hirvelä Road network and traffic Total road network km of which km are streets and km private roads Finnra is responsible for km of public roads of which 700 km are motorways 65% are paved, rest gravel busiest 10% of network carries 65% of traffic Road network carries 95% passenger traffic and 65% goods traffic
Keeping Finland Moving4 6/2008 / Jukka Hirvelä OWN WORKBALANCING WORK LOAD COST EFFICIENCY COMPETITION STUDIES TO OPEN COMPETITION Authority Org. - Design - Construction - Maintenance - Internal Services RWA Finnish Road Administration Minor works by private contractors. Balancing own workload by private contractors Minor purchases on open market Comparing own prices/ contractor prices, search for effective operations Increasing purchases on open market Submitting own work to competition in minor scale Tendering own work to external market Increasing purchases on open market Finnish Road Enterprise decade decade decade decade Development Steps of Finnra DESTIA Ltd (state owned company) 2008-
Keeping Finland Moving5 6/2008 Jukka Hirvelä Finnra – an expert organisation Central Administration (Helsinki) 9 Road Districts Traffic Centre: 4 regional offices today 880 employees with the target of 800 persons in 2011
Keeping Finland Moving6 6/2008 Jukka Hirvelä Finnra is purely a procurement administration from 2005 all products and services procured through competitive bidding
Keeping Finland Moving7 6/2008 Jukka Hirvelä Visions for the future - guidelines for transport policy until 2020 Principles and long-term allocation of financing PPPs road pricing Supporting successful regional and economic development efficient logistics system transport network provides the possibilities for developing and maintaining vitality to the various parts of the country Climate change and public transport public transportation development of land use Traffic safety not more than 150 deads in 2020 Long term investment program 31 projects
Keeping Finland Moving8 6/2008 Jukka Hirvelä Long term investment program Projects that are underway and on which decisions have been made 11 projects worth M€ Projects starting during Goverment period projects worth 915 M€ estimated cost level 2009
Keeping Finland Moving9 6/2008 Jukka Hirvelä Long term investment program Projects from projects worth M€ estimated cost level 2009
Keeping Finland Moving10 6/2008 Jukka Hirvelä Traffic and Infrastructure Administration Road, railway and maritime administration merge together Restructuring of the Infrastructure Administration Development of the Regional Administration Road districts to be part of a new organisation with e.g. the Regional Environment Centres and the Employment and Economic Development Centres Traffic and Infrastructure Administration Safety Administration for Traffic and Infrastructure Rail Administration Road Administration Railway Administration Vehicle Administration Civil Aviation Authority Ministry of Transport and Communication Maritime Administration