A Presentation on ECI- NET
National Multiple Entry Summary Report STATE CODE ME Across State (Exclusive count) ME across AC- within state (Exclusive count) ME across part within AC(Exclusive count) RE within part (Exclusive count) Total ME* (All inclusive count) S01 32,840 4,88,219 1,78,430 37,252 7,55,788 S02 1,119 270 236 1,625 S03 16,071 2,21,920 35,025 29,566 3,07,213 S04 5,68,924 47,10,585 3,24,507 1,34,990 58,60,009 S05 2,183 5,086 1,039 359 9,256 S06 17 20,27,003 3,24,481 43,573 24,21,342 S07 9,59,064 37,17,963 5,06,391 15,486 54,61,247 S08 3,32,369 5,42,454 60,569 5,833 10,32,569 S09 116 8,71,729 1,67,395 28,400 10,83,458 S10 2 40,66,360 11,02,558 3,01,893 55,46,706 S11 59,271 58,83,601 14,37,159 51,720 75,01,704 S12 16,21,846 72,16,611 9,68,886 74,599 105,93,369 S13 8,255 37,21,646 6,20,083 2,08,857 45,98,571 S14 411 521 223 3,235 4,451 S15 1,468 2,057 3,396 930 8,230 S16 92 2,124 226 2,581 S17 575 2,413 913 800 4,897 S18 44,537 7,46,565 97,722 62,078 9,63,430 S19 3,33,470 67,78,777 9,50,044 60,060 82,19,110 S20 12,70,267 85,85,182 14,61,769 90,770 119,20,185 S21 160 1,287 288 516 2,263 S22 34,711 153,58,459 21,72,476 1,00,172 177,70,656 S23 9,204 29,723 10,275 344 50,720 S24 22,44,446 319,64,821 22,65,258 1,57,268 371,30,740 S25 1,28,818 23,39,111 1,12,855 65,966 26,70,997 S26 19,447 75,508 22,873 19,773 1,44,413 S27 3,31,248 2,87,571 84,569 60,482 8,89,360 S28 5,09,561 5,59,377 68,706 8,818 13,19,893 S29 39,925 1,78,051 72,384 33,251 3,40,724 U01 3,285 1,265 342 6,035 U02 60,514 10,151 728 1,04,067 U03 810 1,464 477 2,999 U04 394 765 174 1,430 U05 6,75,667 9,68,828 69,157 4,265 19,82,340 U06 1,352 1,792 959 5,793 U07 25,569 38,477 3,122 592 78,023 Total 93,36,889 1013,93,148 131,38,486 16,04,880 1287,96,194
Click on NERP 2016 – Error and Multiple entry correction link.
Type the Username and Password. Click on Log in button.
ERONET Dashboard. Two tab, One is NERP and other is Form Processing.
Form Processing dashboard.
Click on Operation menu. Under Operation, select NERP Click on Operation menu. Under Operation, select NERP. Under NERP, click on Photo Match.
Select Part and click on Show Entries button for Photo Matching.
Photo Matching screen. Click on small photos on right side( for next Photo ) to compare against the original photo.
Based on the matching, click the appropriate button i. e Based on the matching, click the appropriate button i.e., Matching, Not Matching, Doubtful.
After Photo Match, Then Select Generate Report for BLO verification.
Click on Download link to download the report for BLO verification.
BLO Report.
Click On Error List link. The Error list dashboard opens up. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Part Name Junk/Null Part No. Junk/Null SR. No Junk/Null Section No. Junk/Null House No. Junk/Null Relationship Junk/Null Sex Junk/Null Male but Rel. Husband/Junk Relation name Blank/junk EPIC No. not standard Age < 18 Age > 120 Photograph exist but ID card null ID card exist but photograph null EPIC repeating Gender is female but rel is F/O for age > 30 Status type Junk/null Sections having no voters Click On Error List link. The Error list dashboard opens up. Click on the number to download the error list for that selected part.
Format 2 report.
Format 3 report.
Format 4 report.
Sample error report of “Elector’s Epic number is duplicated at least once”.
Click on Data Collections , select Multiple Entry.
Multiple Entry form to register probable duplicate electors.
Under Data Collections, select Absent/Shifted Records. To register Absent/Shifted/Dead electors.
Under Data Collections, select Death Details. To register Death Details.
Under Data Collections, select Family Details. To register Family Member Details.
Polling Booth and BMF details
Drawing Polygons Free-form polygons can be created using Google tools. These polygons can be drawn by running stylus through the peripheral boundaries around the object. Created polygons can be saved as kml as a layer for viewing on google map in satellite view or map view.
District Boundary AC Boundary Polling Station Point
Polling Station Area Section Area
F. Format-3 for field verification of cases with Repeat EPICs (error No. 14 as per NERP Handbook) to be made available. (Action By- IT-ECI) 10 days By 21.07.2016 G. Format-4 for collecting information for Family Tree/Un-enrolled electors & electors who will be eligible on 1/1/2017 to be made available 2. Generation of PDF for Printing Format-1 for Probable MEs after Image Comparison for Field Verification by BLOs 2 days By 23.07.2016 3. Printing and distribution of all Formats (1,2,3,4) to BLOs (Action By- DEOs/EROs) 3 Days By 26.07.2016 4. FIELD VERIFICATION BY BLOS 15 Days (+20 Days for Format-4) By 10.08.2016 (+30.08.2016) 5. Data Entry of collected information in the portal (By EROs/DEO) 5 Days (10 days for Format-4) By 15.08.2016 (+10.09.2016) 6. Notice Generation from software/Printing and distribution to BLOs (Action By- EROs) 5 Days By 20.08.2016 7. Service of Notices by the BLOs to be completed. (Action By- BLOs) 5 days By 25.08.2016 8. Notice Period expiry (15 days from the Notice generation) 15 Days By 05.09.2016 9. Hearing of objections, if any, and final decision by EROs to delete etc. By 10.09.2016 10. Printing of Draft Roll By 15.09.2016