My Experience In Taiwan National Cheng Kung University, NCKU International Bachelor Degree Program on Energy, IBDPE Jean Frantz RENE
Study Experience Challenging (Undertaking Tasks that are Unfamiliar) Ability to work fast & independently Ability to work fast & independently Resourceful in accomplishing assignments
Travel Experience Taipei 101 ( 台北 101) a.k.a. Taipei financial Center (509m) Sun Moon Lake ( 日月潭 ) The Palace Museum of Taipei ( 台北故宫博物院 ) Alishan National Scenic Area ( 阿里山风景区 ) Ximending ( 西门町 ) Ximending ( 西门町 )
Travel Experience Kenting National Park ( 垦丁公园 ) Yangming Mountain ( 阳明山 ) Penghu Islands ( 澎湖列岛 ) Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall ( 台北国父纪念馆 ) Taroko National Park ( 太鲁阁国家公园 )
Comment & Conclusion Very good experience Interacting with people who hold different interests, values and perspectives Friendly people Understanding cultural differences Finally, Experience of an incredible and safe time in Taiwan I would happily to it again