Seminar on Practical Training By: Er. Kapil Kantia Electrical Engineering BIO-MASS ENERGY DIVISION
1.The output power of generator is 7.8 MW at 11 KV. 2.This plant has single unit of 7.8 MW. 3.It import electricity during maintenance. 4.It Basically Biomass based Plant. 5.It export electricity to RVVNL. GENERATING POWER INTRODUCTION OF K.P.T.L. PADAMPUR,SRIGANGANAGAR
Alternator Steam Turbine Boiler Cooling Tower Electrostatic Precipitator Switch Yard Power Transformer BASIC COMPONENT
ALTERNATOR Alternator is directly coupled with turbine and it convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. In this plant water cool alternator is used for generating electricity. Excitation system of alternator is brushless.
Steam turbine is a rotating machine which CONVERTS HEAT ENERGY OF STEAM TO MECHANICAL ENERGY. In India, steam turbines of different capacities, varying from 10 MW to 500 MW, are employed in the field of thermal power generation. With the use of boiler and then Steam Turbine makes the plant efficiency better. The Steam Turbine comprises of one High Pressure Turbine,Intermediate Pressure Turbine and one Low Pressure Turbine. STEAM TURBINE
7.8 MW STEAM TURBINE Three Cylinder Turbine Throttle controlled Governing Reaction stages
Water tube boiler is used in this plant. Steam pressure at inlet is 102 kg/cm² & steam temp. at inlet is 490˚C. In this boiler, water is flow in the tube in furnace. Steam produces in tube & it collect in a drum which is situated on the top of boiler. Then steam goes to turbine. BOILER
COOLING TOWER These are used for cooling the circulating water.
Electrostatic precipitator is consists of a large number of collecting electrodes. In it dust particles are charged and stick to the electrodes, hammer hit electrode and dust fall down. Dust is collect in base of ESP. Then dust is removed by air HOPPER. Transparent smoke find out in chimney. ELECTROSTATIC PRECIPITATOR
Basic Component Of Switch Yard: 1.Power Transformer. 2.Isolator. 3.Current Transformer. 4.Potential Transformer. 5.Circuit breaker. 6.Lightning arrester. SWITCH YARD
To step-up or step-down the voltage and transfer power from one A.C. circuit to another A.C. circuit at the same frequency. POWER TRANSFORMER
These are used to disconnection transmission line under no-load condition for safety, isolation and maintenance. ISOLATOR
These are used to step-down currents for measurement, control & protection. CURRENT TRANSFORMER
These are used to step-down voltage for measurement. POTENTIAL TRANFORMER
CIRCUIT BREAKER These are used for automatic switching during normal or abnormal conditions. There are Sf6 circuit breaker is used.
LIGHTING ARRESTERS These are used to discharge lightning over voltages and switching over voltages to earth.
I saw the various procedures, processes and equipment used in production of electricity by thermal powers which were studied in books and this has helped me in better understanding of power generation and concepts of controlling of instrumentation power. CONCLUSION