Know how NASA plans and implements space missions Comprehend the essential components of a space mission Comprehend the selection and training of astronauts Assembling a Space Mission
Lesson Overview How NASA plans and implements space missions The essential components of a space mission The selection and training of astronauts
NASA’s Mission Congress established NASA in 1958 NASA’s overriding mission is to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery, and aeronautics research The NASA Mission: Drive advances in science, technology, and exploration to enhance knowledge, education, innovation, economic vitality, and stewardship of Earth.- NASA 2012 Strategic Plan
NASA’s Four Principal Directorates Mission directorates – four main organizations through which NASA carries on its work 1. Aeronautics 2. Exploration Systems 3. Science 4. Space Operations
How NASA Funds Its Space Missions and Programs NASA makes a budget request NASA makes a budget request White House budget to the Congress White House budget to the Congress Federal government doesn’t spend money unless and until Congress appropriates it Federal government doesn’t spend money unless and until Congress appropriates it
The Process of Research and Development for a Mission NASA must think about what combination of spacecraft plus launch vehicle – or rocket – can best accomplish the mission goals Science Mission Directorate manages a complex list of research goals known as the Science Plan
The Task of Building a Launch Vehicle Rocket – a type of engine that pushes itself forward or upward by producing thrust The heavier the payload – the cargo the rocket is to carry aloft – the bigger the launch vehicle it requires Different large companies build rockets under the agency’s supervision
The Task of Building Spacecraft Just as vital as the launch vehicle is the payload, or spacecraft Building of a spacecraft and the design of a mission are intimately connected NASA has to build a craft to do what the mission demands
Astronaut Training Candidates go through 20 months of initial training Training includes sessions in the classroom and in flight simulators – machines that duplicate what it’s like to operate an airplane or a spacecraft As well as learning to fly the T-38 high- performance training aircraft
Astronaut Training
Qualifications Required to Become an Astronaut Minimum Requirements Bachelor’s degree - engineering, biological science, physical science, or math At least 1,000 hours of pilot-in- command time in jet aircraft Pass a NASA space physical Must be US citizens
Requirements for Mission Specialists Academic requirements like those for becoming an astronaut pilot Either professional experience or an advanced degree Vision requirements are not as strict
Duties of Commanders and Pilots Commander is responsible for the vehicle, the crew, the mission’s success, and safety Pilot Helps the commander control and operate the spacecraft Help deploy and retrieve satellites May have a role in spacewalks or in other payload operations
Duties of Mission Specialists Manage shuttle crew activity planning Detailed knowledge of their spacecraft and its systems Understand the operational characteristics, mission requirements and objectives, and supporting systems and equipment
Ground Support Operations Astronauts are at the top of a vast support structure Without critical help if not for the ground support personnel Critical command and control module requiring significant planning for any space mission
Know how NASA plans and implements space missions Comprehend the essential components of a space mission Comprehend the selection and training of astronauts Assembling a Space Mission