Welcome my dear students.
Md. Jahangir Alam Assist: Teacher (English) Begum Nurjahan Memorial Girls’ High School Phone: Class: Nine-Ten Md. Jahangir Alam Assist: Teacher (English) Begum Nurjahan Memorial Girls’ High School Phone: Class: Nine-Ten Teacher’s Identification
Try to imagine these pictures. Corruption
Today’s Topic Corruption
Learning outcomes After completing this lesson, we will be able to- identify corruption. tell the corruption of Bangladesh. write a paragraph. identify corruption. tell the corruption of Bangladesh. write a paragraph.
Let’s watch a video
Pair work 1)What is corruption? 2)Write five sentences about the police office’s corruption.
Corruption means adopting unfairmeans to achieve somthing illegally. What is corruption?
There are a number of causes behind corruption. How many causes are there behind corruption?
Unemployment, lack of good governance, lack of morality, inadequacy of salary, political instabilities etc. have led to the expansion of corruption.
In Bangladesh, corruption has enlarged its paw in administrative, commercial and political sectors. How has corruption enlarged its paw?
Therefore, it is time for us to fight against corruption. Anti- Corruption Commission has already been formed to prevent corruption. Is it time for us to fight against corruption?
Anti-Corruption Commission has already been formed to prevent corruption.
Besides, it is necessary to upgrade the morality and human values of the people.
Media can also take a strong stand againmst corruption
In addition, good governance, increase of job facilities and strict enforcement of legal rules can prevent corruption.
Finally, all of us must raise a campaign to combat bribey and corruption for a better and corruption free Bangladesh.
Group work Write ten sectors of corruption with example in Bangladesh.
Evaluation 1)What is corruption? 2)What are the causes of corruption in Bangaldesh? 3)Wht are the means of corruption? 4)In how many ways is it happening in Bangladesh? 5)What are the effects of corruption in our country? 6)What measures have been taken by the government to cure corruption? 7)Give your own suggestion to get rid of this menace. 1)What is corruption? 2)What are the causes of corruption in Bangaldesh? 3)Wht are the means of corruption? 4)In how many ways is it happening in Bangladesh? 5)What are the effects of corruption in our country? 6)What measures have been taken by the government to cure corruption? 7)Give your own suggestion to get rid of this menace.
Home work Write a short composition how we can stop corruption from Bangladesh.
Slogan We should stop corruption.
Corruption means adopting unfairmeans to achieve somthing illegally. At preset, corruption has become one of the most alarming problems in Bangladesh. There are a number of causes behind corruption. Unemployment, lack of good governance, lack of morality, inadequacy of salary, political instabilities etc. have led to the expansion of corruption. In Bangladesh, corruption has enlarged its paw in administrative, commercial and political sectorsc.Therefore, it is time for us to fight against corruption.Anti-Corruption Commission has already been formed to prevent corruption. Besides, it is necessary to upgrade the morality and human values of the people. Media can also take a strong stand againmst corruption. In addition, good governance, increase of job facilities and strict enforcement of legal rules can prevent corruption. Finally, all of us must raise a campaign to combat bribey and corruption for a better and corruption free Bangladesh. Corruption