Staying safe online
The dangers of disclosing personal information 1 People could be anyone on the Internet. Not everyone is genuine. Some are dangerous and seek to do you harm. They could be stalkers or paedophiles. You need to be wary of anyone who contacts you. This could be the 16-year-old boy you have been chatting to!
Staying safe online The dangers of disclosing personal information 2 Do not give out personal details. Do not give out other details by which you could be identified. Do not post personal details on social networking sites. Do not post images of yourself as these could be misused.
Staying safe online The misuse of images 1 Images can be altered to tell lies. Example: you could use photo editing software to take your picture and put it next to your favourite singer. You cannot tell whether images are genuine.
Staying safe online The misuse of images 2 A picture of you can be passed to others without your permission. Your image could be altered in an inappropriate way. Your image could end up on a website that paedophiles use. You could be identified from your image and then stalked.
Staying safe online Using inappropriate language Do not use swear words. Do not use racially offensive words. Do not use words likely to offend certain groups of people. Ensure your material can be read by people of all ages. Do not engage in cyberbullying (i.e. bullying using the Internet, mobile phones, etc.).