Output 1: Activity Indicators Activity 1 Farm level diagnosis of current functions Activity 2 Analysis of overall production environment Activity 3 Identification of gender typology specific entry points Activity 4 Synthesis of lesson learnt in relation to legume intensification Tools for assessing current functions are available -Done: Questionaires developed and surveys performed. Analyses of secondary information -Pending: information available, but not yet documented (review of previous and ongoing projects). -Next step: student to be engaged and guided by national coordinator, deadline 04/16. Tools for participatory identification of entry points and farmers visioning available -Done: Surveys and FGDs, information available in databases and reports. -Next step: data (tools) assembled from DRC by Generose. Info will be sent by Isaac and London. Standard tools for capturing major entry lessons available for use by R4D platform partners -Pending: Definition of lessons learnt to be developed (ask Ingrid), hence, content not yet clear, deadline 09/16. Quantification of the current contribution of most relevant legumes -Done: data available by farm characterization. -Next step: Data processing, jointly across countries Tools for implanting value chain analyses -Done: institutional analysis with a value chain component used as tool. Interactions with stakeholder groups to reach consensus on anticipated entry points -Done: linked to members of HT under R4D platform. E.g. erosion was an entry point as project launch. -Pending: report documentation by Isaac supported by London, deadline 03/16. Lessons across all sites synthesized and fed back to the Humidtropics -Pending: see above, deadline last quarter of project. Database on soil and plant parameters for evaluating potential of tested legumes -done: samplings performed, data partially available. -Next step: data processing to be finalized and depending on results data set to be extended (UoH), deadline 07/16 GIS mapping of larger scale production environment characteristics -pending: maps not yet existing, but data is available including the GPS coordinates. -Next step: send data to GIS unit at HQ, deadline for all steps 12/16
Output 2: Activity Indicators Activity 1 Participatory action research to quantify optimization of identified legumes Activity 2 Ex-ante assessment of longer-term sustainability of interventions Activity 3 Compilation of best-fit legume interventions and required conditions Activity 4 Facilitation of degree- related capacity building Detailed literature study on past experience -Pending: will be linked to Activity 1.2, same timeline (04/16). Identification of simulation model tools for assessing long-term -DRC not directly involved. UoH? Is data required? Which? Tools for designing and analyzing farm-level interventions -Done: Protocol for designing farm-level interventions available. -Pending: Protocol for analyzing farm-level interventions to be developed by Generose. Which are the major measures to approach this? Which statistical tools to be used? At least 2 PhD and 7 MSc projects are identified -Done: UoH (3 PhDs, Isaac (similar to 3 MSc in DRC), Eric, Birhanu), SLU (1 PhD, Tarirai), KALRO (3 MSc, Mary, Jared, Martin), U Haramaya (2 MSc (Ale…, XY). Field campaigns to determine best practices for enhancing legumes On-going -Done: Interventions tested (intercropping with cassava, monocropping). -Pending: 1. legume options (soybean, field pea, groundnut) tested with mineral fertilizer (harvest of soybean and groundnut as last step to finalize this activity). 2. Residue quality trials with start 09/16. Improve soil fertility and competition modules of the models -DRC not directly involved. UoH? Is data required? Which? Database with best practices for different legume classes within a GxExM framework -Pending: Data integration at end of project (entry points, LC-tool, scenario modelling, across country studies including AEZs). At least 2PhD and 7 MSc theses delivered in a timely manner -Pending: Most probably later than project end. Options: 1 MSc in Ethiopia, 2 MSc in Kenya (Jared, Martin), approx. 2 MSc at UoH? For PhDs, not possible in 3 years, but a paper of each might be useful. Databases with information obtained from field campaigns -Done: template for database generation developed and data on cropping systems incorporated. -Pending: Integration of data in the database allowing across country analysis. Data of ongoing season to be implemented. Deadline for data entry in template 03/16 (Mulu). Deadline for integration to be decided by project consortium (Generose). 30 year simulation to assess long-term impacts of decision on soil productivity fertility and ecosystem functions at plot, farm and landscape -DRC not directly involved. UoH? Is data required? Which?
Output 3: Activity Indicators Activity 1 Co-development of a prototype decision support framework Activity 2 Evaluation of trade- offs between legumes integration scenarios Activity 3 Developemnt of LegumeCHOICE – Version 1 Activity 4 Training research and development partners in the use of LGC At least 2 monthly interactions between various stakeholders groups to evaluate, modify prototype On-going. -Done: twice tested (01/15 (before Addis meeting), 06/15 (FGDs)) after prototype was developed. -Pending: Evaluation with farmers yet to be done as baseline for modifying the prototype (LC-tool fitting). -Next step: Discussion in overall project group. Tools for trade-off analyses available in cooperation with Humidtropics -Pending: What it the implication of tested legume interventions with respect to trade- offs? Modelling to be included? UoH? Version 1 is ready for use by partners -Pending. At least 1 training workshop held per season once prototype is available -Pending. -Next step: Workshop will be held between 07 and 08/16. Assessment of legume-led rotation and mgt impact of food security, ecosystems -DRC not directly involved. UoH? Is data required? Which? -Field trials on soil fertility? At least 3 partners per R4D platform are actively using Version 1 -Pending. -Next step: train an identified partner who will be responsible for distributing the tool. Information on trade-offs is integrated in LegumeCHOICE -Pending: Trade-off analysis not yet done. -Next step: Discussion with Alan and group.
Output 4: Activity Indicators Activity 1 Development of strategic partnership and action plans within R4D platforms Activity 2 Piloting of institutional interventions aiming at creating enabling env for legumes Activity 3 Organization of specific training events at R4D platforms base don capacity gaps in intensifying legumes Activity 4 Implementation of M&E framework following the R in D concept within R4D platforms Seasonal FGD with R4D platform members on constraints for legumes and action plans -Done: Planning meetings at start of two seasons (A, B) with R4D partners to assign each partner with specific activities within field sites. -Pending: Repetition for upcoming seasons (02+09/16). Action plans in Act 1 are implemented in each site -Done: First season with intercropping (leg+cass) and erosion control approaches. At least one group training event is organized per R4D platform per year on a commonly agreed theme -Pending: Agreement on theme derived from R4D platform. In next planning meeting for 09-season (Mulu), a training set has to be developed. For this, contacts to R4D have to be done asap. M&E feedback is informing upcoming activities at last on a 6- month basis On-going. -Done: Information on next activities delivered via skype meetings. Planning meetings are held to distribute latest information and further plans. -Pending: Transfer continuously gathered information on activities in project logframe. A strategic partnership along legume value chain within each R4D -Pending: To be organized through legume institutions (e.g. PAD, N2Africa for financial support) (Mulu). Guidelines need to be formalized. How to transfer the information to donor (documentation of partnership formation)? Feedback from pilot studies is used to update the next version of action plans -Done: 1) Acceptance on soybean intervention, but alternative soybean varieties requested with shorter growth period. 2) Common bean well appreciated (disease resistance, shorter maturity). 3) So far no concrete feedback on perennials, but spacing of Calliandra seems to be an issue (feedback: minimizing distance as option). -Next steps: Feedbacks from next seasons. A new set of research questions is generated annually through M&E process -Pending: Research questions to be developed (sequential approach?).