FGM Report 21 st Cross Calibration Workshop Chris Carr, Patrick Brown, Leah-Nani Alconcel, Tim Oddy, Peter Fox Imperial College London 24 March 2015
FGM Team Chris Carr – PI Patrick Brown – Instrument Manager Tim Oddy – Instrument Operations Engineer, Systems Administration Leah-Nani Alconcel – Archive Engineer Peter Fox – Software Development, Calibration LNA is currently on maternity leave and will return in June st Cross Calibration workshop March 24th - 26th 2015
Primary FGM data delivered to CAA: Jan 2001 – October 2014 inclusive and also January 2015 –Magnetic field data: Full resolution, 5 vectors/second, spin averaged. –Supporting files: GAPF (data gaps in processed data); VALF (data gaps introduced at validation stage – small number, generally only affects a few vectors at a time). Supporting FGM files delivered to CAA: Jan 2001 – October 2014 inclusive and also January 2015 –CAVF: caveat files provided only when data quality is affected by external effects. Outlook –Currently working on calibrating the remainder of 2014: should be completed and supplied to the CAA by the end of April –Rest of 2015 solar wind season (February – April) should be delivered by mid- summer CAA Status of Data Submission 321st Cross Calibration workshop March 24th - 26th 2015
Extended Mode processing These data are transmitted during BM3 and contain the measurements when the spacecraft was not transmitting data. Time stamping of the data is a non-trivial problem as the data are given in instrument internal timing with no reference to the SCET time. FGM is working on doing a trial processing of a single extended mode interval. If that is successful, we will consider whether or not it is practical to do routine extended mode processing. Action items from PM & Cross-Cal meetings Mostly fixing data gaps: see list later on. Commissioning phase data Made an attempt to calibrate December 2000 Other recent FGM activities 420th Cross Calibration workshop October 15 nd -17 th 2014
December 2000 Solar wind intervals (1) 5FGM Report – CAA Progress Meeting 26 November 2014
December 2000 Solar wind intervals (2) 6FGM Report – CAA Progress Meeting 26 November 2014
December 2000 C2 spikes (orbit 69) 7FGM Report – CAA Progress Meeting 26 November 2014
December 2000 C2 periodic disturbance (Orbit 72) 8FGM Report – CAA Progress Meeting 26 November 2014
December 2000 C2 periodic disturbance (Orbit 73) 9FGM Report – CAA Progress Meeting 26 November 2014
December 2000 C2 periodic disturbance (Orbit 75) 10FGM Report – CAA Progress Meeting 26 November 2014
Commissioning phase data for December 2000 Started from January 2001 calibration The total solar wind data available was approximately 7 hours of data on (far less than would normally be deemed usable). Spin axis offset modification from Jan 2001 calibration was unusually large, and may be partially a consequence of limited statistics, but did lead to closer agreement between the spacecraft in the solar wind: C1: 0.74nT shift C2: 0.44 nT shift C3: 0.64 nT shift C2 has two problems (don’t know if they are related): Aperiodic short-lived spikes/field rotations in the time series in orbits Periodic square disturbance at slightly under 0.2 Hz in orbits C1 and C3 calibrated successfully and supplied to the CAA (with spin axis offset caveats) C4 running inboard sensor for half of the month: no calibration yet exists. Delivery of C2 to the CAA remains to be decided. December 2000 calibration summary 1121st Cross Calibration workshop March 24th - 26th 2015
Recently re-delivered CAA data 12 SpacecraftOrbit Numbers DatesReason C1,2,3, July and Aug 2003Recalibrated following user queries C Nov 2002Reprocessed to fix data gap C Sept 2004Reprocessed to fix data gap C Sept 2004Reprocessed to fix data gap C April 2009Reprocessed to fix data gap C Mar 2010Reprocessed to fix data gap C Feb 2005Reprocessed to fix data gap 21st Cross Calibration workshop March 24th - 26th 2015
Recently re-delivered CAA data 13 SpacecraftOrbit Numbers DatesReason C June 2010Reprocessed to fix data gap C Feb Feb Jan – 01 Feb June Jun-02 Jul 2003 Data product generation date inconsistency C Mar Dec 2006 Data product generation date inconsistency C Mar May-02 Jun Nov 2002 Data product generation date inconsistency 21st Cross Calibration workshop March 24th - 26th 2015 All above redeliveries took place in January and February 2015.
FGM Progress Meeting Action Items 14 AI NumberAction ItemStatus FGM14-AI-07To update the UG, CR, and ICD according to the suggestions given during the PM Open FGM14-AI-04To create a new RDM database using the official Cluster RDM data; they can be retrieved online from the CAA. The teams should not use unofficial DDS data retrievals for the CAA data production. Open FGM14-AI-03to investigate the missing science data for the events shown in Annex 4 of FGM-PM14; sometimes all spacecraft contain no data while PP files are full; some are related to the missing RDM files since the DDS files are used Completed: New files have been delivered FGM14-AI-01to investigate why the generation dates of three science datasets differ significantly (1-2 years) for the events listed in Annex 2 of FGM-PM14. Completed: New files have been delivered FGM13-AI-05there are inconsistencies between CAA datasets and PP so that one of them have gaps while the other does not have. For instance, C1 on 2 Sep 2004 or C2 on 5 Feb 2005: CAA datasets have gaps while PP contain data Completed: New files have been delivered FGM13-AI-04to check the science dataset inconsistencies in C1-May’02, C3-22 Jun 2010 Completed: New files have been delivered 21st Cross Calibration workshop March 24th - 26th 2015
FGM Progress Meeting Action Items 15 AI NumberAction ItemStatus FGM12-AI-04to check why science data files contain gaps although PP contains data (see e.g., C1: Nov’02; C2: Jul’03, Aug’03; C3: Oct’02, Jul’03, Aug’03, Jan’04, Jul’04, Oct’04, Jan’05, Feb’05, Aug’09, Mar’10; C4: Jun’02, Jul’03, Aug’03, Feb’04, May’04, Dec’04, Aug’09, Apr’12) Open: A comprehensive list has been received from the CAA. It will be investigated when time allows. 21st Cross Calibration workshop March 24th - 26th 2015
FGM Cross-Cal Action Items 16 AI NumberAction ItemStatus CC20-AI-21to tell the CAA team which of the JSOC datasets and documents can be useful for the instrument teams (think also the post-operations phase) Open CC19-AI-05To investigate why there are so many missing short NM intervals (see e.g. FGM inventory plots). Open: A comprehensive list has been received from the CAA. It will be investigated when time allows. See also FGM12-AI-04 21st Cross Calibration workshop March 24th - 26th 2015 FGM Operations Review Action Items AI NumberAction ItemStatus CAA-OR8-R17The board recommends that the FGM team investigates the possibility of providing extended-mode FGM data to the CAA. Open: FGM is working on doing a trial processing of a single extended mode interval. If that is successful, we will consider whether or not it is practical to do routine extended mode processing. These data are transmitted during BM3 and contain the measurements when the spacecraft was not transmitting data. Time stamping of the data is a non-trivial problem as the data are given in instrument internal timing with no reference to the SCET time.