Submission Slide 1 September, 2008 Samsung/NICT/Tensorcom c Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Resolutions to Comments on LQI mapping ] Date Submitted: [09 September 2008] Source: [Su-Khiong Yong 1, Pengfei Xia 1, Huai-Rong Shao 1, Chiu Ngo 1, Jisung Oh 1, Edwin Kwon 1, Seongsoo Kim 1, Junyi Wang 2, Zhou Lan 2, Chang woo Pyo 2, Chin-Sean Sum 2, Tuncer Baykas 2, Azizur Rahman 2, Ryuhei Funada 2, Fumihide Kojima 2, Hiroshi Harada 2, Shuzo Kato 2, Ismail Lakkis 3 ] Company [Samsung Electronics 1, NICT 2, Tensorcom 3 ] Address [416 Maetan-3Dong Yeongtong-Gu Suwon-shi Kyunggi-Do , Korea Hikari-no-oka, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa , Japan Rancho Bernardo Rd, #108, San Diego, CA 92127, USA 3 ] Voice: [], FAX: [], Re: [Comment Resolutions related to comment 520] Abstract:[To be considered in TG3C baseline document. ] Purpose:[This document provides a list of the editing staff that will be working on c.] Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
Submission Slide 2 September, 2008 Samsung/NICT/Tensorcom c Resolution to comment 520 i.e. “SINR and SNIR shall be replaced with LQI as a generic metric”
Submission Slide 3 September, 2008 Samsung/NICT/Tensorcom c Resolution Modified the following paragraph in in pp 34 “The Best Sector field shall be set to the index of the best transmit sector for the originating DEV. In the SAS case, this also represents the index of the best receiver sectors for the target DEV. The Best Sector SINR field shall be set to the value of SINR measured by the Target DEV for the best sector. The Best Sector SINR field encoded in dB with a value of zero indicating an SINR less than or equal to 0 dB and a value of fifteen indicating an SINR of greater than or equal to 15 dB The Second Best Sectors field shall be set to the index of the second best transmit sector for the originating DEV. In the SAS case, this also represents the index of the second best receiver sectors for the target DEV The Second Best Sector SINR field shall be set to the value of SINR measured by the Target DEV for the second best sector. The Second Best Sector SINR is encoded in the same manner as the Best Sector SINR.” To the paragraph in the next page.
Submission Slide 4 September, 2008 Samsung/NICT/Tensorcom c Resolution (cont’d) Modified the following paragraph in in pp 34 “The LQI type field indicates the type of metric used in Best/Second Best Sector LQI. The field value to a certain type is defined in Table xxx. The Best Sector field shall be set to the index of the best transmit sector for the originating DEV. In the SAS case, this also represents the index of the best receiver sectors for the target DEV. The Best Sector SINR LQI field shall be set to the value of SINR LQI measured by the Target DEV for the best sector. The Best Sector SINR LQI field is encoded in dB. The corresponding LQI values in the case of SNR/SINR and RSSIr are given in Table abc and Table xyz. The Second Best Sectors field shall be set to the index of the second best transmit sector for the originating DEV. In the SAS case, this also represents the index of the second best receiver sectors for the target DEV The Second Best Sector SINR LQI field shall be set to the value of SINR LQI measured by the Target DEV for the second best sector. The Second Best Sector SINR LQI is encoded in the same manner as the Best Sector SINR LQI.”
Submission Slide 5 September, 2008 Samsung/NICT/Tensorcom c Change the Figure 48m in page 34 from to Resolution (cont’d) Bit:: 4Bit:: ReservedSecond best sector SNIR LQI Second best sector Best sector SNIR LQI Best sectorLengthElement ID Bit: Second best sector SNIR Second best sector Best sector SNIR Best sectorLengthElement ID
Submission Slide 6 September, 2008 Samsung/NICT/Tensorcom c Table xyz Bit assignmentRSSIr <= 0dB dB dB dB >63dB … 0dB indicates that received signal level is equal to receiver sensitivity for the respective base rate.
Submission Slide 7 September, 2008 Samsung/NICT/Tensorcom c Table abc *SNR equals to Ec/No (dB) + 20 … Bit assignmentSNR/SNIR* <= 0dB dB dB dB >31.5dB …
Submission Slide 8 September, 2008 Samsung/NICT/Tensorcom c Modify Figure 42a, pp. 31 where bit 17 and bit 18 will be used for LQI Type field as Bit:: 7b6b5b4b3b2b1b0 Number RX quasi-omni directions Number Tx quasi-omniPETAntenna type b15b14b13b12b11b10b9b8 Number of RX sectorsNumber of TX sectors Bit:: 23b22b21b20b19b18b17b16 ReservedLQI TypePET Figure 42a- Beamforming capabilities field format
Submission Slide 9 September, 2008 Samsung/NICT/Tensorcom c Resolution (cont’d) Add text to 7.4.7, pp 31 after line 37 as The LQI Type field shall be set in accordance to the metrics used as shown in Table xxx LQI Type (b17, b18)Metric 00RSSIr 01SNR 10SINR 11Reserved Table xxx: Metric encoding used in LQI Type field