2050 Calculator – Structure Gregory Haigh Presentation on 12/08/2013 Mexico City
Introduction Walk through structure of the UK Calculator Identifying where the Mexico calculator might differ Different sheet types …Calculator conventions
Overarching structure
Control sheet
The user makes trajectory choices for each lever List of levers ≠ list of sectors Some sectors have no lever (e.g. unabated thermal generation) Some sectors have more than one lever (e.g. the heat sector which has four) Levers represent complete list of main actions to target emissions – control the main drivers for each sector
Sector sheets
How might the sector list for Mexico differ?
Year sheets
All sectors are gathered together for a particular period
Intermediate output
All periods (and sectors are drawn together)
Excel conventions… ‘Index and match’ Units
Questions Under the Markal pathway: What is the installed capacity of nuclear in 2035? How much electricity is delivered to the grid in 2050? What is the demand for domestic hot water (TWh) in 2020?
Answers… Under the Markal pathway: What is the installed capacity of nuclear in 2035 (17GW) How much electricity is delivered to the grid in 2050? (15.9 TWh) What is the demand for domestic hot water (TWh) in 2020? (98.3 TWh)