Southlake 2009 ICC CODES Southlake 2009 ICC CODES International Building, Fire, Residential, Energy Conservation, Plumbing, Mechanical & Fuel Gas Codes
City of Southlake Strategy Map The City of Southlake provides municipal services that support the highest quality of life for our residents and businesses. We do this by delivering outstanding value and unrivaled quality in everything that we do. unrivaled quality in everything that we do. Fulfill Our Mission Live Our Core Values PromoteLearning and Growth ProvideFinancialStewardship Serve Our Customers C1 Achieve the highest standards of safety and security C3 Provide attractive and unique spaces for enjoyment of personal interests C4 Attract and keep top-tier businesses to drive a dynamic and sustainable economic environment C2 Provide travel convenience within City and region B6 Optimize use of technology B1 Achieve best-in-class status in all City disciplines B5 Improve performance of delivery and operational processes B4 Provide high quality customer service B2 Collaborate with select partners to implement service solutions F1 Adhere to financial management principles and budget F3 Achieve fiscal wellness standards F4 Establish and maintain effective internal controls F2 Invest to provide and maintain high quality public assets Manage the Business Safety and Security L2 Enhance leadership capabilities to deliver results L3 Attract, develop and retain a skilled workforce L1 Ensure our people understand the strategy and how they contribute to it L4 Recognize and reward high performers C5 Promote opportunities for partnerships and volunteer involvement Deliver on Our Focus Areas Integrity ● Innovation ● Accountability ● Commitment to Excellence ● Teamwork B3 Enhance resident quality of life and business sustainability through tourism L5 Empower informed decision- making at all levels in the organization Infrastructure QualityDevelopment Mobility Performance Management and Service Delivery Partnerships and Volunteerism
2009 International Codes The 2009 International Codes have been reviewed by the Regional Codes Coordinating Committee (RC 3) under the direction of the North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) and are recommended for adoption by NCTCOG.
Ordinance 931A 2009 International Fire Code (IFC)
Ordinance International Residential Code (IRC) Carbon monoxide (CO) detectors are now required. Current fire sprinkler requirements remain unchanged.
Ordinance International Building Code (IBC) Current fire sprinkler requirements remain unchanged. Soil Stockpiles – Appendix J of the 2009 IBC is to be amended regarding the stockpiling of soil on or near a construction site.
Ordinance International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) Commercial and residential tables have been adjusted to increase overall energy efficiency by 15% compared to the 2006 IECC.
Ordinance International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC)
Ordinance International Mechanical Code (IMC)
Ordinance International Plumbing Code (IPC)
Ordinance 996 Soil Stockpiles Soil Stockpiles General. Soil Stockpile management procedures and practices shall be designed and maintained as to eliminate or significantly reduce any potential air or storm water pollution. This section is to apply to soil stockpiles which are intended to remain for an indefinite period after the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy.General. Soil Stockpile management procedures and practices shall be designed and maintained as to eliminate or significantly reduce any potential air or storm water pollution. This section is to apply to soil stockpiles which are intended to remain for an indefinite period after the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. Exception: Any requirement of this section may be waived as necessary by the City Building Official due to unusual or unique circumstances.Exception: Any requirement of this section may be waived as necessary by the City Building Official due to unusual or unique circumstances. Limitations. Any single soil stockpile shall meet the following requirements:Limitations. Any single soil stockpile shall meet the following requirements: Slope. No individual soil stockpile shall exceed a slope ratio of 5:1Slope. No individual soil stockpile shall exceed a slope ratio of 5:1 Height. No individual soil stockpile shall exceed a maximum height of five (5) feet from the highest grade on site. Maintenance. In conformance with all other applicable requirements, the soil stockpile shall be stabilized by providing vegetative perennial cover with a density of seventy percent (70%) at the responsibility of the property owner where the stockpile is located.Maintenance. In conformance with all other applicable requirements, the soil stockpile shall be stabilized by providing vegetative perennial cover with a density of seventy percent (70%) at the responsibility of the property owner where the stockpile is located.
DEFINITION Soil Stockpile:Any excess soil gathered in a specific location from construction activities for potential use in the future.
REQUIREMENT OPTIONS OPTION 1 Slope - No individual soil stockpile shall exceed a slope ratio of 5:1 Height - No individual soil stockpile shall exceed a maximum height of five (5) feet from the highest grade on site. OPTION 2 Slope - No individual soil stockpile shall exceed a slope ratio of 4:1 Height - No individual soil stockpile shall exceed a maximum height of five (5) feet from the highest grade on site.
MAINTENANCE In conformance with all other applicable requirements, the soil stockpile shall be stabilized by providing vegetative perennial cover with a density of seventy percent (70%) at the responsibility of the property owner where the soil stockpile is located.
Recommendation Recommendation These ordinances were presented to S.P.I.N. on November 15 th 2010 and to the Building Board of Appeals on December 6 th Staff recommends approval of Ordinances 986, 987, 988, 989, 990, 991,996, and 931A as submitted.
Questions? Questions? Ken Baker Ken Baker Thank you Thank you