CONCORD’s engagement in the EP elections 2014 The EP elections Why does it matter to CONORD?
CONCORD’s engagement in the EP elections 2014 CONCORD A European confederation of ~1800 organisations (27 National platforms) 20 Working groups Key approaches across the confederation: Gender equality and Human rights based approach Strengthen political engagement with the EU institutions
CONCORD’s engagement in the EP elections 2014 The Europe we want For the World we want! -EP elections and new set of commissioners- First Annual priority of CONCORD for 2014 With our allies in the EP to better influence the other institutions Increased power of the EP after the Lisbon treaty Several MEPs might become frontrunners of the European campaigns and then commissioners
CONCORD’s engagement in the EP elections 2014 A fairer Europe for a fairer World! Inequality hurts us all! A new social contract with European ctizens! CONCORD‘s 3 main calls CONCORD calls on political parties to have a clear commitment to policy coherence for development in their European political manifestos CONCORD calls on political parties to put an end to tax dodging, to strengthen innovative sources of financing and to make the Financial Transaction Tax (FTT) global CONCORD calls on political parties to strengthen participatory democracy and promote active citizenship through consultation and dialogue processes
CONCORD’s engagement in the EP elections 2014 Influence European Political manifestos Alliance-building Campaign toolkits for CONCORD members Elaboration of more specific CONCORD calls Pre-election phase (Sept.13-Jan.14) Online debates with the presidents of the European political parties & the EP president Campaigning phase (Febr.-May 14) Developing database/ Mapping of newly elected MEPs Briefings for CONCORD members Conference & breakfasts with MEPs Commissioner hearings Post-election phase (June-Dec.14)
CONCORD’s engagement in the EP elections 2014 EP elections taskforce & Focal points in each National platform Mainstreaming of EP elections work across the working groups of CONCORD CONCORD organisations get prepared May 2014 Capacity building & trainings about the EU and the role of the new EP
CONCORD’s engagement in the EP elections 2014 Diversity, yes! Eurosceptics, no! Thank You!