February 24, 2016Hot Topics: DuraSpace Community Webinar Series Hot Topics: The DuraSpace Community Webinar Series Series Thirteen: VIVO plus SHARE: Closing the Loop on Scholarly Activity Curated by Rick Johnson, Visiting Program Officer for SHARE at the Association of Research Libraries
February 24, 2016 Hot Topics: DuraSpace Community Webinar Series Webinar 1: VIVO plus SHARE: Closing the Loop on Tracking Scholarly Activity Presented by: Rick Johnson, ARL Visiting Program Officer for SHARE; Co-Program Director, Digital Initiatives and Scholarship, Hesburgh Libraries, University of Notre Dame Mike Conlon, PhD, VIVO Project Director, DuraSpace; Professor Emeritus, University of Florida
Outline of the Webinar A brief overview of VIVO A brief overview of SHARE The complementary nature of VIVO and SHARE SHARE and VIVO collaborations Discussion February 24, 2016Hot Topics: DuraSpace Community Webinar Series
VIVO is Ontologies — The VIVO Integrated Semantic Framework and related ontologies for representing scholars and scholarship Software — open source, community-developed software for managing, displaying, sharing the scholarly record Data — assertions about scholars and their scholarly works. At UF, 23M assertions for 63K people, 62K papers, 24K grants, 87K courses taught. Community — 130+ sites in 24 countries, 200K scholars, 1M+ works. See VIVO creates an integrated record of the scholarly work of your organization
History of VIVO 2003 Original concept and software for VIVO created at Cornell by John Corson-Rikert 2006 VIVO redesigned at Cornell as a semantic web application with ontology and triple store 2007 VIVO implemented at University of Florida NIH award to University of Florida, Cornell, Weill, Indiana, Wash U, Ponce, Scripps. M. Conlon Principal Investigator 2010 First VIVO Conference, NY Hall of Science 2012-present VIVO, a member supported project of Duraspace
VIVO and Research VIVO captures a complete record for each scholar – teaching, research, and service, sufficient for CV or biosketch Includes grey literature and activities that do not typically create records in the scholarly ecosystem VIVO links data together, removing ambiguity from the scholarly record
VIVO Integrates Institutional Data VIVO Organizations Scholars Publications Grants Teaching Service Profiles Reports CV/Biosketch Visualizations Expert Finding Network Analysis Adhoc queries
SHARE is Higher education initiative to maximize research impact by making an inventory of research widely accessible, discoverable, and reusable. Free, open data set of research and scholarly activities harvested from 97+ data providers Notification service of >4.5 million research events of data mgmt plans, preprints, articles, repository deposits, and other scholarly activity Harvester of diverse set of data providers: funders, publishers, data repositories, institutional repositories, scholarly activity Joint working group of international members such as funders publishers, government orgs, universities, vendors
History of SHARE Feb 2013: White House release OSTP memo on access to federally funded research Jun 2013: The Association of Research Libraries (ARL), the Association of American Universities (AAU), and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) jointly launched the SHARE initiative. Mar 2014: ARL awarded joint $1 million grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to develop and launch SHARE Notify Jun 2014: The Center for Open Science (COS) joined as SHARE’s technical partner
History of SHARE Apr 2015: SHARE launches beta of SHARE Notify Jun 2015: SHARE collected metadata on more than 1 million research release events Oct 2015: ARL awarded joint $1.2 million grant from IMLS and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for Phase II of SHARE to expand and enhance SHARE’s open data set Feb 2016: SHARE currently at 97 providers and +4.5 million research release events
Notify ProvidersConsumers Gather
Notify ProvidersConsumers Gather
SHARE and Research Capturing global events across diverse set of sources and researcher activities (not just repository data) By collecting, connecting, and enhancing metadata that describes research activities and outputs...SHARE simplifies how various pieces can be identified as elements of a research project. An index within a larger network of research systems
Notify ProvidersConsumers Gather
Notify ProvidersConsumers Gather
Complementary Nature SHARE Gathering metadata from many sources Able to look across many sources Able to assemble ecosystem-level views Consumes from repositories and other systems Shares with local and global sources VIVO Curating metadata about an organization Identifying scholars, works Deep metadata model for teaching, research, service Focus on scholar and the scholar’s work Able to share details not otherwise expressed in the ecosystem VIVO shares globally
SHARE and VIVO working together SHARE Harvester for VIVO SHARE2VIVO SHARE Link – Fedora, VIVO and SHARE
SHARE Harvester for VIVO Supports harvesting data from individual VIVO sites to the SHARE repository for use by SHARE Notify and SHARE search VIVO site contacts SHARE and makes VIVO API credentials available SHARE regularly harvests data from the VIVO site SHARE users benefit from access to VIVO’s detailed data regarding the scholarship at the VIVO site A VIVO site can offer data to SHARE by supplying a URL and access credentials for the VIVO API
SHARE2VIVO An open source utility for providing data from SHARE to a VIVO site The VIVO site issues a query to SHARE for metadata regarding the scholarship of people at their organization SHARE2VIVO can then populate VIVO with the returned metadata VIVO sites benefit from the extensive records available from SHARE
SHARE Link - Early Planning Institutional endpoint for SHARE leveraging strengths of – Fedora: Intellectual work focused linked data platform – VIVO: Person focused scholarly activity linked data – SHARE: index of global research lifecycle events Unified graph of repository items, researchers, events When viewing repository item or researcher, recommend and browse related items/activity from similar discipline, venue (e.g. journal, event), scholar Combined researcher/dept views with SHARE events and repository items Expand repository search results to 2nd and 3rd level items Discussing opportunities with LD4L team
Issues in the Ecosystem Scholars are not uniquely identified – Disambiguation – works may only record scholar's name – ORCiD is growing, but not pervasive Works may not be uniquely identified – Mostly DOI, but not for all works Organizations may not be uniquely identified – Identified by name with variations – Publications may not associate individuals with organizations – GRID ( a potential new approachhttp://grid.ac
Issues in the Ecosystem Data in SHARE coming from wide variety of sources has some divergence in metadata unique identifiers and fields populated Curation Toolkit work starting to get institutions directly involved to enhance metadata in SHARE (currently need to manually dedup some records)
Contacts ●SHARE ○ ○Twitter: ●VIVO ○ ○Twitter: ●Rick Johnson ●Mike Conlon
March 11, 2016 Hot Topics: DuraSpace Community Webinar Series Webinar 2: Institutional Perspectives on the Impact of SHARE and VIVO Together Presented by: Andi Ogier, Associate Director, Data Services, University Libraries, Virginia Tech March 11, 2016, 1 PM ET