FORAGE To search for food Foraged foods included nuts, fruits, and berries
What was found as proof of Lenape existence?
SACHEM A Chief Chief Oratam was an admired Lenape Sachem
Long House A Large Lenape House
Wigwam A small Lenape house
Nomad A person who moves often to search for food
Matrilinieage MOMSON Grand Daughter Grand Son Daughter Grand Son
What helped wanderers become become settled people?
Lenape Homeland
What were Lenape men responsible For? HUNTING AND FISHING The diet of the Lenape also included meat, fish and fowl and, at times, locusts. The Lenape depended entirely on hunting for their meat. The Lenape's principal hunting weapon was a crude bow of pliable wood to which a twisted thong of deerskin was at- tached. His arrows were tipped with the sharpened points of flint, deer antler or bone. If an animal was wounded by an arrow but was not killed immediately, it was killed with a blow from a heavy stone club. During hunting expeditions, Indian braves sometimes disguised themselves with animal skins. Deer and bear, plentiful in the wilderness, were particularly valuable for food, clothing, and tools because of their great size. For religious reasons, the hare, the wild cat, the ground hog, the rattlesnake and the wolf were never harmed.
What were Lenape women responsible for?